[Plugin: WordPress SEO by Yoast] What are all the acronyms?
Hey, I’m fairly experienced with wordpress. I’ve been using it for about a year on my own domain however I decided to rebrand and rather than fixing up my wordpress installation I started over with a fresh install and decided to try Yoast instead of using Greg’s SEO. I’m having trouble figuring out what half the options do as there is no hover tooltips and the Post on Yoast doesn’t even cover any of this stuff as it looks like it was made way back in early beta. So down to business:
Sitewide Metas
Hide RSD Links
Hide WLW Manifest Links
Hide Shortlink for posts
Hide RSS LinksWhat are RSD Links?, what are WLW manifests?
Why would someone want to hide RSS links?Add noodp meta robots tag sitewide:
Prevents search engines from using the DMOZ description for pages from this site in the search results.That’s cool, good description, however I have no idea what DMOZ is so it makes little sense to me.
Rest of the options are OK, pretty self explanitory. Now I just need to decided if breadcrumbs, categories, archives or tags are better to get indexed by.
Social -> Have no idea why you need this, I guess if you’re doing your own social intergration?
XML sitemaps -> fine, pretty limited options compared to Goog XML by Arne; I disabled it anyway; assuming Yoast is better.
Permalink Settings
Strip the category base (usually /category/) from the category URL.I guess then it doesn’t matter whether you set noindex on categories or not? Why would you want to do this? For instance tick this if you want to use tags as your main navigation?
Redirect attachment URL’s to parent post URL.
Attachments to posts are stored in the database as posts, this means they’re accessible under their own URL’s if you do not redirect them, enabling this will redirect them to the post they were attached to.
So stuff like images and videos inside a post are stored as child posts and this links back to their parent? Why is this needed?
Internal Links | RSS, all the rest are self explanitory just need a bit of clarity on those listed above. Thanks guys.
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