• I’m having issues with the Reusables plugin v3.0 not working correctly. When I go to edit my reusables, the HTML view gives me only a narrow, non-resizable text box to edit in and Visual appears as though it is missing CSS? There’s no formatting options besides “Font Size” “Format”, no text box frame.


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  • Thread Starter Sean


    I’ve checked this in Internet Explorer 8 and Firefox 8 and, although Firefox gives me a little more functionality (I can adjust the text box size), the WYSIWYG editor is not there and it’s really hindering the functionality of reusables.

    Any help??

    Thread Starter Sean


    Still hoping that the developer for the Reusables Plugin has a moment to review this information to figure out why Reusables isn’t functioning properly with the latest version of WordPress.

    Thread Starter Sean


    Just checking in to see if anyone can help with this.

    Thread Starter Sean


    I have found that one of the reasons for this broken functionality is due to a change in WordPress’ use of TinyMCE.

    I assume at this point the plugin developer has dropped this project, which is unfortunate. I’ve tried tweaking the plugin and have limited success; can anyone assist me in regaining the TinyMCE editor with this plugin?

    Thread Starter Sean


    In the event that someone is experiencing this same problem, I just want you to know that I have patched the problem and all is working as before. I’ll be happy to share this fix with you if youd like.

    Can you post the fix?

    Thread Starter Sean


    You’ll need to edit two php files: page-edit-single.php and page-add.php

    I will post the entire code for you to copy completely for both files. I didn’t have to rewrite the entire thing but it’s easier than explaining which lines to remove/add/edit.

    First, we’ll edit the page-edit-single.php:

    	$id = $_POST["id"];
    	$title = (!empty($_POST["post_title"])) ? $_POST["post_title"] : "(blank)";
    	foreach($_POST["user_role"] as $role => $name){
    		$the_roles[$role] = $role;
    	$reusables->update_reus($id, $title, $_POST["content"], $the_roles);
    	$message = "Reusable updated. directory."/preview&id=$id',400,400,'preview')\">Preview reusable";
    	echo "<div class=\"updated below-h2\" id=\"message\"><p>$message</p></div>";
    $reus = $reusables->get_reus($_GET["id"]);
    <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $_REQUEST["id"];?>" />
    <div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder has-right-sidebar">
       <div id="side-info-column" class="inner-sidebar">
          <div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">
          <div class="postbox " id="categorydiv">
          <div title="Click to toggle" class="handlediv"></div><h3 class="hndle"><span>Publish</span></h3>
          <div class="inside">
             <div class="categorydiv" id="taxonomy-category">
                <p><b>Make this reusable visible to:</b></p>
                <div class="tabs-panel" id="category-pop">
                   <ul class="categorychecklist form-no-clear" id="categorychecklist-pop">
                   <?php $the_roles = array(); $reus_roles = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM ".$wpdb->prefix."reus_roles WHERE reus_id = ".$_GET["id"]); foreach($reus_roles as $role){ $the_roles[] = $role->role; } ?>
                   <?php foreach(get_roles() as $role => $name){ ?>
                   <li class="popular-category"><label class="selectit" for="role-<?php echo $role;?>"><input type="checkbox" name="user_role[<?php echo $role;?>]" id="role-<?php echo $role;?>" value="<?php echo $role;?>" <?php echo ((array_search($role,$the_roles) !== false)?"checked":null)?> > <?php echo $name;?></label>
                   <?php } ?>
          <div id="major-publishing-actions">
             <div id="delete-action">,'<?php echo $reus->post_title;?>')">Delete</div>
             <div id="publishing-action">
                <input name="publish" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="Publish" /></div>
             <div class="clear"></div>
       <div id="post-body">
       <div id="post-body-content">
       <div id="titlediv">
       	<label class="hide-if-no-js" id="title-prompt-text" for="title" style="visibility:hidden">Enter name here</label>
          <div id="titlewrap">
             <input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="title" value="<?php echo $reus->post_title;?>" tabindex="1" size="30" name="post_title" />
    <div id="postdivrich" class="postarea">
    <?php wp_editor($reus->post_content, 'content', array(
    "editor_selector" => "content",
    		"height" => "100%",
    		"mode" => "none",
    		"width" => "100%",
    		"theme" => "advanced",
    		"theme_advanced_toolbar_location" => "top",
    		"theme_advanced_toolbar_align" => "left",
    		"theme_advanced_statusbar_location" => "bottom",
    		"theme_advanced_resizing" => false,
    		"theme_advanced_resize_horizontal" => false,
    		"dialog_type" => "modal",
    		"plugins" => "$plugins" )
    <table id="post-status-info" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr>
    	<td class="autosave-info">
    	<span class="autosave-message"> </span>

    Now, we’ll edit the page-add.php file. Again, use the following to replace the contents of the entire file because there are several places I made changes:

    	$title = (!empty($_POST["post_title"])) ? $_POST["post_title"] : "(blank)";
    	foreach($_POST["user_role"] as $role => $name){
    		$the_roles[$role] = $role;
    	$reus_id = $reusables->add_reus($title, $_POST["content"], $the_roles);
    	$message = "Reusable published. directory."/reus&f=single&id=$reus_id\">Edit reusable";
    	echo "<div class=\"updated below-h2\" id=\"message\"><p>$message</p></div>";
    <div id="poststuff" class="metabox-holder has-right-sidebar">
       <div id="side-info-column" class="inner-sidebar">
          <div id="side-sortables" class="meta-box-sortables ui-sortable">
          <div class="postbox " id="categorydiv">
          <div title="Click to toggle" class="handlediv"></div><h3 class="hndle"><span>Publish</span></h3>
          <div class="inside">
             <div class="categorydiv" id="taxonomy-category">
                <p><b>Make this reusable visible to:</b></p>
                <div class="tabs-panel" id="category-pop">
                   <ul class="categorychecklist form-no-clear" id="categorychecklist-pop">
                   <?php foreach(get_roles() as $role => $name){ ?>
                   <li class="popular-category"><label class="selectit" for="role-<?php echo $role;?>"><input type="checkbox" name="user_role[<?php echo $role;?>]" id="role-<?php echo $role;?>" value="<?php echo $role;?>" checked > <?php echo $name;?></label>
                   <?php } ?>
          <div id="major-publishing-actions">
             <div id="delete-action"></div>
             <div id="publishing-action">
                <input name="publish" type="submit" class="button-primary" id="publish" tabindex="5" accesskey="p" value="Publish" /></div>
             <div class="clear"></div>
       <div id="post-body">
       <div id="post-body-content">
       <div id="titlediv">
       	<label class="hide-if-no-js" id="title-prompt-text" for="title">Enter name here</label>
          <div id="titlewrap">
             <input type="text" autocomplete="off" id="title" value="" tabindex="1" size="30" name="post_title" />
       <div id="postdivrich" class="postarea">
    <?php wp_editor($reus->post_content, 'content', array(
    "editor_selector" => "content",
    		"height" => "100%",
    		"mode" => "none",
    		"width" => "100%",
    		"theme" => "advanced",
    		"theme_advanced_toolbar_location" => "top",
    		"theme_advanced_toolbar_align" => "left",
    		"theme_advanced_statusbar_location" => "bottom",
    		"theme_advanced_resizing" => false,
    		"theme_advanced_resize_horizontal" => false,
    		"dialog_type" => "modal",
    		"plugins" => "$plugins" )
    <table id="post-status-info" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr>
    	<td class="autosave-info">
    	<span class="autosave-message"> </span>

    Hope this helps. It worked for me.

    Thanks!! Helped a ton :-). Here’s what I did:


    In both files, remove the entire wp_tiny_mce(…); block.

    In both files, remove all of the Javascript that references tinyMCE:

    var id = 'content';
    tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, id);
    	function() {
    		tinyMCE.execCommand('mceAddControl', false, id);
    	function() {
    		tinyMCE.execCommand('mceRemoveControl', false, id);

    In page-add.php replace everything within div#postdivrich with:

    <?php the_editor(""); ?>
    <table id="post-status-info" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr>
    	<td class="autosave-info">
    	<span class="autosave-message">&nbsp;</span>

    In page-edit-single.php replace everything within div#postdivrich with:

    <?php the_editor($reus->post_content); ?>
    <table id="post-status-info" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr>
    	<td class="autosave-info">
    	<span class="autosave-message">&nbsp;</span>

    Works great with TinyMCE Advanced plugin too.

    Thanks! This worked for me.

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