GOOD NEWS! I’ve made a fix for our problem! ??
Not sure it’s the right syntax nor the right place to put it but I added the following code into the file “jquery.galleryview-2.0.js” which can be found in the galleryView plugin folder on the server :
Added code, line 1000 in the MAIN PLUGIN CODE part :
// ***** Transitions jumping bug fix ***** //
// Stop transitions when leaving the page/tab of the browser
$(window).blur( function () { $(document).stopTime("transition"); } );
// Restart transitions when coming back to the page/tab
$(window).focus( function () {
However putting the code directly in on of the plugin files is not a perfect idea since it may be erased with the next plugin update.
I just mixed raw pieces of code together, it does the trick.
NEXT I tried to put the exact same code in the footer of my wordpress active theme, so that it cannot be overwritten. The transitions do stop when we leave the page/tab of the browser but do not restart when coming back… I’m just searching a way to call back the transition but I’m not really good at programming.
Added code in footer:
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
// ***** Transitions jumping bug fix ***** //
// Stop transitions when leaving the page/tab of the browser
$(window).blur( function () { $(document).stopTime("transition"); } );
// Restart transitions when coming back to the page/tab
$(window).focus( function () {