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  • right now, I am using 1.0.8 which seems to work great with Firefox 3.0 and IE.

    i see that the new Multibox basically lets you use it on every type of file that you would need.

    this is exactly what i need. i have used 1.0.8 on web links, images, and videos, and it seems to work great. The only negative thing about it is that for web links, you have to manually add in [class=”wmp” rel=”width:800,height:450″] (without the brackets) to get the weblink to display in a multibox. it would be great if that could be done automatically.

    i would love to be able to use the latest version (1.2.2), but i can’t seem to get it to work on FF and IE – and that is a deal breaker for me right now.

    So, for now, 1.0.8 will have to do.

    that’s the link to my webpage. I have re-activated version 1.2.2 and that is the one currently running (which doesn’t work on my FF3).

    thanks for all the help so far blackpixel – i greatly appreciate it.

    You say, the version 1.0.8 will work perfectly for you. So i have added an framework switcher in the setting page for the multibox.

    Since version 1.2.2 the multibox use the mootools 1.2. Now you can switch between the version 1.11 of mootools and version 1.2 of mootools. This version is now an pimped 1.2.2 with the stability of 1.0.8, but of course, with the functunallity of version 1.2.2 ?? Very complex… :p

    Just install the version 1.2.3 and check out, that is the checkbox for mootools is not set.

    Give me a feedback!


    the verdict is in.

    version 1.2.3 works perfectly (in FF3 and IE6) as far as I can tell.

    i have tested web links, flash video files, images, and pdf files – and they all work fine.

    is there a way I can make all media files default to being popped up in a Multibox? right now, images and videos automatically popup in a multibox window, but web links and pdfs don’t (I have to add the class=”wmp” manually to the html link).

    What part of the code do I have change to accomplish this? i was looking through some of the javascript, but couldn’t find exactly where that would be accomplished.

    perfect ??

    Just browse to “Settings” -> “Multibox”, scroll down and activate the pdf plugin. in the big textbox at top of the page, put all file extensions where you will open in the multibox. you can put html,htm there, and all links gone with multibox.

    Have fun ??

    “scroll down and activate the pdf plugin. in the big textbox at top of the page, put all file extensions where you will open in the multibox. you can put html,htm there, and all links gone with multibox.”

    what is the link i would put in there to have web links automatically open up? I added pdf, html, htm, and xhtml on that text box. PDFs now open automatically, but web links still don’t.

    sites like and stuff won’t open automatically still…I have to manually add in the class=”wmp” attribute.

    any suggestions?

    also…is there a way for me to set a default width and height for all web links opened in a Multibox? so I don’t have to manually set that for each web link?

    Ahh, i feel what you want! Thats not so easy. When you put the file extension “html” to the textbox, and make a link to, on this link are no file extension like html…

    The problem is, the multibox don’t know what is a weblink. For this reason, there is no way to give it an autmotically width and height.

    I think, I can make a version, where you can make a setting like “Hit all links where gone in a new window…”
    When you put a link in a Editor, give them the attriubute “Open link in new windows, e.g. “_blank””, for this reason you can set an width and height when the multibox matches an link…? TZhe same as for pdf′s are currently workink…?!

    is there a way i can change the code so whenever I use class=wmp on weblinks, it defaults to a certain size automatically?

    right now, I have to put this in:
    class=”wmp” rel=”width:800,height:450″

    i’d like to just be able to put class=”wmp” on all web links and have them open at that width and height without me having to specify it.

    kind of like how you have the pdf setup in the settings tab in wordpress (where can we automatically have it open pdfs at a certain width and height).

    Thanks for a great plugin
    I have one thing I’ve discovered and two questions.
    – First, a handy way to use it (which I can’t see that you have mentioned): When adding an image to a post, select “miniature” and leave the link to the full-size image that WP automatically gives you. As result, you get a thumbnail image that you can click to see it BIG (the size of the original image).
    – Second: I have two problems: The overlay background does not appear though I’ve selected it in the options page.
    – And: How can I make a text appear under the boxed image? I have tried to insert texts as alt text, title and description – but none of them appear.
    Thanks again
    PS A test page – click lower image
    Using v125 on WP251

    hey blackpixel,

    any idea on how to center the multibox in the middle of the page?

    my multibox always opens up to the right of center for some reason. How can I get it to open in the center of the page all the time?

    Hi Great plugin I noticed one problem though. If I have a video embeded on the screen (Youtube) and you click on a link the multibox goes behind the embeded video and is blocked.

    Click on Dan at the bottom and you’ll see what I mean.

    O.k I figured out if I used the overlay option it overlaps whatever I have so that problem is solved.

    Is there a way to use the question mark ? as a link for more information about a picture for example instead of the current link.

    I can’t get this working at all. It seems like the link is generated, but it only opens in a new page. This is with IE and FF3.

    If you want to look at my site:


    Okay, well i’ve been trying every-single-variation of the advice here for over an hour and I cannot get the lightbox to load at all.

    Everything is installed, configuration options set. Browsing with SAFARI and nothing, no action at all! Manual, auto, all tried.

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