The “phantom checkbox” problem is quite common seeing as it’s a bug in the plugin! Thankfully it was a simple one, and a 30 second fix. I’ve emailed Donncha so hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.
After having the same problem myself, I figured out that it was a simple bug in the plugin causing the issue. Here’s all you need to do to solve the issue.
Line 40 of sitewide-tags.php has an if() line in it telling the plugin to output a certain code if it’s enabled. This code will make the checkbox checked! However, rather than outputting the correct code, ‘checked=”checked”‘, it was simply outputting ‘checked’. Just copy and paste in a new line 40:
<label><input name="tags_blog_enabled" type="checkbox" id="tags_blog_enabled" value="1" <?php if( get_site_option( 'tags_blog_enabled', 0 ) == 1 ) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?>" /> <strong><?php _e("Enabled","wpmu-sitewide-tags"); ?></strong></label><br />
And things should work just fine. Tell your friends ??