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  • Plugin Author Ron Rennick


    No, they won’t.

    If you have a parent term technology in one site, a parent term fruit in a second site and both of those have a child term apple, then in the tags blog it is not possible for the term apple to have two parents. For that reason, SWT ignores parent/child relationships in all taxonomies.

    I can’t get any custom taxonomy to carry over.. I’ve followed almost every post you’ve posted on about SWT & custom taxonomies Ron… I’ve tweaked everything possible.

    I have on both blogs (for safe measure)

    function my_swt_custom_tax_filtertwo( $taxonomies ) {
    $taxonomies[] = 'placecategory';
    return $taxonomies;
    add_filter( 'sitewide_tags_custom_taxonomies', 'my_swt_custom_tax_filtertwo' );

    And I have implemented the custom taxonomy the EXACT same function on both blogs:

    register_taxonomy( 'placecategory',
    				array( 'place' ),
    				array (	"hierarchical" 		=> false,
    						"label" 			=> 'Place category',
    						'labels' 			=> array(	'name' 				=>  'Place categories',
    														'singular_name' 	=>  'Place Category',
    														'search_items' 		=>  'Search Place Categories',
    														'all_items' 		=>  'All Place Categories',
    														'parent_item' 		=>  'Parent Place Category',
    														'parent_item_colon' =>  'Parent Place Category:',
    														'edit_item' 		=>  'Edit Place Category',
    														'update_item'		=>  'Update Place Category',
    														'add_new_item' 		=>  'Add New Place Category',
    														'new_item_name' 	=>  'New Place Category',	),
    						'public' 			=> true,
    						'show_ui' 			=> true,
    						"rewrite" 			=> true,
    						'query_var' => true,
    						'_builtin' => true,
    						'can_export' => true	)

    I’ve put 5+ hours into trying to debug this. I can’t. Would you mind helping Ron? I realize you’re busy, but when you get a chance, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

    Plugin Author Ron Rennick


    I’ve tried that filter in WP 3.5 bleeding within the last 2 weeks and it still works for me.

    Where do you have the code registering the taxonomy & adding the filter?

    Both are in my functions.php. And again, on both sites just to be sure.

    The site where the post is originating (im using it for the front-end functionality) has two different custom post types, with 2 tax types. I have even tried copy/pasting the code for the post types and taxes into the main theme just to be sure nothing is different.

    I’m really perplexed as to what’s going on. I don’t doubt it doesn’t work for you.

    Every other feature of SWT works. Also, the regular importing of categories works for posts, if that helps.

    Edit: Also, is there a way I can transfer over the IDs of the _wp_attached_file and the postID from the original blog? if not the first, the postID may suffice to get the first.

    This is a separate question:

    As explained above, I am using two themes… The way the first one allows users to update the posts isn’t playing nicely 100% with SWT. I’ve looked inside the whole swt php file… is there a way I can make the save_post action trigger twice?

    Somehow, the way its setup, the user makes an edit, and SWT is only getting the core wordpress values for the update… All the custom fields only appear after the user “updates” it again.

    Again, I tried all this morning for 5 hours trying different code manipulation stuff. So triggering the update post function, or the save_post as SWT uses, twice would be the ideal problem.

    If I can’t get all these 3 things working, I may have to go back to a single theme solution ??

    Plugin Author Ron Rennick


    is there a way I can make the save_post action trigger twice?

    You can use it at a different priority. The default priority is 10. The bigger the number the lower the priority.

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