@ron – thanks for the clarification… I think I got it, or at least part of it.
The following setup seems to be working. Does it look good to you? I guess this is too important to not be done right….
1. At domain registrar: I set up the domain (DNS) for the subsite owner to point to the right IP address of my multisite install
*.client7.com --> xx.xx.xx.xx (ip address of my multisite)
@.client7.com --> xx.xx.xx.xx
www.client7.com --> xx.xx.xx.xx
[ignore “https://” whihc is added automatically by this forum engine]
2. On server using cPanel: Parked user’s domain (client7.com) on the server
3. In WordPress Domain Mapping: Set up domain mapping for that subsite to add “client.com” as a domain and made it primary.
This seems to be working fine and looks right. The site will be shown when a visitor goes to either:
All versions will actually go to https://client7.com (without www)
Now, if the user wants their primary web address to have the www… so all of the go to https://www.client7.com
I simply add https://www.client7.com in WordPress Domain Mapping and just set it to be the primary ; that seems to be working (all traffic resolves to https://www.client7.com) Do I need to do anything else? (e.g. Park https://www.client7.com on the server too? Do anything else on the DNS side?)
Additionally I am thinking about removing the hard-wired dependency on the IP address and use the CNAME option instead but that is also somewhat unclear. If you have any insight on that, would be great!
In the DNS settings for client7.com will I need to simply point to supersite.com, like so below?
*.client7.com --> supersite.com
@.client7.com --> supersite.com
www.client7.com --> supersite.com
[ignore “https://” whihc is added automatically by this forum engine]
(or to some subdomain like redirect.supersite.com which in turn points to the xx.xx.xx.xx ip address of the supersite?)
At least on Network Solutions DNS panel it looks like I cannot set the above; it is giving me an error that A records already exist. But if I have to delete the A record in order to create the CNAME, the site will break after I delete the A and before the CNAME is propagated…