• Hi,
    I’am reinstalling my site after a hacking problem…https://neurorgs.net
    I’ve just come to import a XML file (length 5.5 MB) with all my post, tags, ….
    This file was generated 2 weeks ago, with the export tool included with wordpress version 3.3.1.
    Prior to lunch importer pluggin (version 0.6) i’ve uploaded all my images and attachement files to the same place than they were before.
    I haven’t checked option “download attachments” due to the fact that they are already in their place.
    But after the import process finish I’ve got a lot errors like:
    Failed to import Multimedia…
    results my Multimedia is empty .
    The post, tags, pages, etc were imported correctly and in the post/pages.
    I could see the images in the post (because the images are in their correct place…), but all the setting regarding the image thumbnail, theme (image thumbnail, reduced version, a woothemes, headlines theme version 3.1.1), etc… have not been managed well.
    I repeated the procedure 3 times with same results (every time with a new fresh wordpress installation….)
    This is a big problems because if I dont find a way to link properly my images I have to reedit all the post and pages in order to link properly to the multimedia center…

    Any help????
    Thanks a lot???
    Jesus Ortega


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  • cat


    Hi T.,

    Thanks! (& this is true — re: book! but other things too.)

    I have a few other wp.org sites so I’m not a newbie entirely there.
    But I’ve never moved content from wp.com to wp.org.

    Thanks for the tip about lynda.com. I’ll check it out.

    That’s also a good tip re: Go Daddy. My host has been my host for a very long time and they are typically great but maybe not so knowledgeable in WordPress. I’m not sure if they are on Linux. I think so but I’ll double check.

    I think my first error was not clicking the ‘download files and attachments.’ (which was not mentioned in anything I read … unless I missed it.) Now I’m trying to correct it!

    Will update you —

    Thanks again.


    Well, there’s a first time for everything……… LOL!

    Ya, your first error was not checking the box…. ?? And you did mention it…. ??

    Lynda is great, I have been doing my own sites since the Internet was dial-up, and I have found there is always something new to learn, no matter how much experience I have.

    You should know what type of server your sites are on, most hosts offer both Windows and Linux.

    Love Go Daddy, you should try it…. ??

    Good luck, let me know how it goes… ??




    Hi T.,

    Well tried again – got same error as first time. Although as it was going it reported that certain media were already installed (photos and posts) so that seemed like a good sign and that it might be working.

    But then! I got this error : Content Encoding Error
    The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    My file is now 11 mb and that’s the amount I have allowed as file size. Maybe I’ll increase it? I don’t know if it matters how ‘high’ it goes. Maybe I should double it since I’m re-installing and it’s figuring out what it’ll take. ??

    This is not the error I got the last time I tried to re-install but is the error I got the first time.

    Just to clarify, I meant that I didn’t recall seeing anything on the wp site or wherever else I went for info about transferring from wp.com to wp.org about checking the box. I could have just missed it. I was thinking ‘files and attachments’ were not media.

    Anyway! I guess I’ll try again. The last time I went to my host with this message they didn’t know what to do and told me to reimport. Maybe if I told them I was thinking of switching, they could find someone who could really help!

    Hopefully will come back with good news…

    Thanks! Will look into Linda and the Linux issue also.


    Hey Cat,

    I don’t know who your host is, but I am sure you can do better with someone else. I have never had a problem where Go Daddy blamed it on the other guy, in fact, I have never been in a situation where I was left still having a problem, they always stayed on the phone until the problem was solved. There was this one time where I crashed everything I owned due to me getting a .htacces file wrong, talk about a panic! LOL! They were right there with me, working to get it up, awesome support! It sounds like your current host is kinda lame, I would move. Call them, and talk about moving, most likely they can assist with moving your sites.

    BTW…… my sometimes girlfriend, (depends on how mad at me she is that day) Mattie says you are totally missing out on a branding opportunity by not using some type of swan in your logo. ??




    Hi T.,

    Sorry for long delay in response. Not that I have not been thinking about this but am afraid of further frustration at this point!

    I’ll definitely think about moving. I have not attempted again yet or double checked to see where I am. I hear what you are saying about ‘blaming the other guy’ as far as my host.

    That’s interesting re: your ‘sometime girlfriend’ ?? Mattie’s idea. So funny – I have NEVER thought of that! And I write about wildlife sometimes too so it would make sense. Thank her!

    And thank you! Hopefully next time I write it will be because it is all resolved.


    Hey Cat,

    I get that, some days I get so frustrated when things are not going right, but seriously, call Go Daddy, see about moving, just remember what I said about the configuration, no Windows… LOL!

    Since your reply Mattie and I have broke up and got back together again, I think we love to hate each other! LOL!! I did pass your thanks along, she says “welcome,” she does have her inspired ideas, it’s part of her charm. Sometimes we don’t see the forest for the trees, we need others to point out the obvious to us… LOL!




    Hi T.,

    You are right about sometimes not seeing the forest for the trees and needing others to point things out… It sounds like you and Mattie have a somewhat complicated relationship that also works for both of you!!

    So UPDATE: it finally WORKED! It first said it didn’t (again) and gave me the chance to ‘try again.’ When I did that this time, it said it was done!

    I really was going to switch hosts if it hadn’t but then miraculously it did!

    The theme I wanted to use tho’ has featured posts and it seems that they don’t show up unless you manually insert them for the existing posts – since I have 800+ posts I am probably going to have to find a new theme! Oh well… at least the major trouble is taken care of.

    Almost there! Hope things are going well… thanks again.


    nah…. Mattie and I don’t work, she thinks so, but it’s not her opinion that counts! Broke up with her again, this time, I blocked her calls, as long as I don’t talk to her, she can’t get me back. Problem solved!

    Glad you got your transition done, I would still look at changing hosts in the future, sounds like your host is kinda lame. What is the URL for your blog? I don’t remember seeing wich one it is, you have so many! LOL!

    The Biker’s Garage is off and running for now, trying to get more content up, tweek the SEO, that sort of thing.




    hi T,

    Congratulations on your site being done. Looking good! I like the vibe, the attitude of it all. You have a nice way of writing too.

    It’s funny I played with Magazine Basic as a theme but then I had a few questions (yes, really!) and I couldn’t get them resolved. I really probably need to pay for a theme and get more extensive support. I can’t learn everything myself. ??

    So although I resolved getting all those posts imported finally – yay!- my site is not up yet in wp.org due to theme issues. I’ve spent I can’t even tell you how many hours working on this.

    Anyway, hopefully next time I write it will be to say, the site is up, come take a look!

    p.s. I’m sure Mattie will find you if she needs to, blocked calls and all. ??

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