• The current implementation of wp_dlm_all seems to put a lot of information in the title attribute of the link, but does not show the file description, etc., on the page.

    Everyone’s needs are different, but I changed the function to output a table with the file title, name, version, date, hits, and description. I prefer this output, so I figured I’d share. Maybe Mike will integrate an option for customizing the output of [#show_downloads] in the future? ??

    The code changes to wp-download_monitor.php:

    @@ -1926,7 +1931,8 @@
     		$downloadtype = get_option('wp_dlm_type');		
     		if (!empty($dl)) {
    -			$retval = '<ul class="downloadList">';
    +			$retval = '<table class="download_table">';
    +                              $retval .= '<tr><th>What</th><th>Version</th><th>Date Posted</th><th>Hits</th><th>Description</th></tr>';
     			foreach($dl as $d) {
     				$date = date("jS F Y", strtotime($d->postDate));
     				switch ($downloadtype) {
    @@ -1942,9 +1948,10 @@
     							$downloadlink = $d->id;
    -				$retval .= '<li><a href="'.$downloadurl.$downloadlink.'" title="'.__('Version',"wp-download_monitor").' '.$d->dlversion.' '.__('downloaded',"wp-download_monitor").' '.$d->hits.' '.__('times',"wp-download_monitor").' - '.__('Added',"wp-download_monitor").' '.$date.'" >'.$d->title.' ('.$d->hits.')</a></li>';
    +                                        $when = date('d F Y', strtotime($d->postDate));
    +                                        $retval .= "<tr><td><b><a href=\"$downloadurl$downloadlink\">$d->title</a></b></td><td>$d->dlversion</td><td>$when</td><td>$d->hits</td><td>$d->file_description</td></tr>";
    -			$retval .='</ul>';
    +			$retval .='</table>';
     	return $retval;


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  • Mike


    Actually, I’m working on a major version and depreciating these functions in favour of shortcodes and custom formats, e.g. (not final yet)

    [downloads show=”limit=5&format=1&orderby=id”]

    Thread Starter dound


    Sounds exciting, I’ll make sure to check back on your page and see how it is going.

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