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  • Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    That really depends on the size of your installation.

    My backup is around 5 megabytes and takes about 1-2 minutes to appear in my Dropbox.

    There are known issues with the plugin for large WordPress installations ( > 100mb) that I am slowly getting to the bottom of.


    Hi, thanks for the wonderful plugin.

    May I suggest a small change for it:

    public function backup_now() {
    //		wp_schedule_single_event( time(), 'execute_periodic_drobox_backup', array( time() ) );

    Either set a time for the single event, or better IMHO, just do the backup.

    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Gday Gabriel,

    I opted for the background cron so users can continue using WordPress while the backup is in process.


    Hi Mikey,

    Ok, sounds reasonable.

    On the other hand, would rather like to see the backup process in execution when doing ‘Backup now’.

    One problem I had is that my hosting provider has not enabled gzip, so I had to change another part of the code, just before line 368 at file class-wp-backup.php


    $zip = new ZipArchive();
            if ( $zip->open( $destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE ) === true ) {
                $db_file = $this->backup_database();
                $ws_file = $this->backup_website();
                $db_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $db_file ), file_get_contents( $db_file ) );
                $ws_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $ws_file ), file_get_contents( $ws_file ) );
                $success = $zip->close();
                if ( $db_success && $ws_success && $success ) {
                    //Delete the old files as they are now in the archive
                    unlink( $db_file );
                    unlink( $ws_file );


    if ( extension_loaded( 'zip' ) !== true ) {
    			$db_success = false;
    			$this->set_history( WP_Backup::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR, __( 'missing PHP

    s zip extension.’ ) );
    } else {
    $zip = new ZipArchive();
    if ( $zip->open( $destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE ) === true ) {
    $db_file = $this->backup_database();
    $ws_file = $this->backup_website();

    $db_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $db_file ), file_get_contents( $db_file ) );
    $ws_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $ws_file ), file_get_contents( $ws_file ) );
    $success = $zip->close();
    if ( $db_success && $ws_success && $success ) {
    //Delete the old files as they are now in the archive
    unlink( $db_file );
    unlink( $ws_file );

    Again, thanks for the wonderful plugin.


    Oh dear, the code tag broke.

    Here we go again:

    if ( extension_loaded( 'zip' ) !== true ) {
    			$db_success = false;
    			$this->set_history( WP_Backup::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR, __( 'missing PHPs zip extension.' ) );
    		} else {
    			$zip = new ZipArchive();
    			if ( $zip->open( $destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE ) === true ) {
    				$db_file = $this->backup_database();
    				$ws_file = $this->backup_website();
    				$db_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $db_file ), file_get_contents( $db_file ) );
    				$ws_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $ws_file ), file_get_contents( $ws_file ) );
    				$success = $zip->close();
    				if ( $db_success && $ws_success && $success ) {
    					//Delete the old files as they are now in the archive
    					unlink( $db_file );
    					unlink( $ws_file );


    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Gday Gabriel,

    Thanks for that!

    I have decided to remove zipping all together in favor of a smarter way of doing the backup.

    This has been done for various reasons that you can read about here –


    Thanks for the update Mikey,

    I’ll be trying the new beta version.



    I use the plugin within a multi site installation, and it is doing a backup of all files, even some that are not WordPress related.

    Not sure if it is a bug or a feature ??


    Plugin Contributor Michael De Wildt


    Gday Gabriel,

    Id say its a bit of both. It recursively backs up all files where WordPress is installed.

    I plan to add multi site support and the ability to exclude certain directories in the next release.


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