Hi Mikey,
Ok, sounds reasonable.
On the other hand, would rather like to see the backup process in execution when doing ‘Backup now’.
One problem I had is that my hosting provider has not enabled gzip, so I had to change another part of the code, just before line 368 at file class-wp-backup.php
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ( $zip->open( $destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE ) === true ) {
$db_file = $this->backup_database();
$ws_file = $this->backup_website();
$db_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $db_file ), file_get_contents( $db_file ) );
$ws_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $ws_file ), file_get_contents( $ws_file ) );
$success = $zip->close();
if ( $db_success && $ws_success && $success ) {
//Delete the old files as they are now in the archive
unlink( $db_file );
unlink( $ws_file );
if ( extension_loaded( 'zip' ) !== true ) {
$db_success = false;
$this->set_history( WP_Backup::BACKUP_STATUS_ERROR, __( 'missing PHP
s zip extension.’ ) );
} else {
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ( $zip->open( $destination, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE ) === true ) {
$db_file = $this->backup_database();
$ws_file = $this->backup_website();
$db_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $db_file ), file_get_contents( $db_file ) );
$ws_success = $zip->addFromString( basename( $ws_file ), file_get_contents( $ws_file ) );
$success = $zip->close();
if ( $db_success && $ws_success && $success ) {
//Delete the old files as they are now in the archive
unlink( $db_file );
unlink( $ws_file );
Again, thanks for the wonderful plugin.