• Hi. I installed your plugin on about 15 of my blogs that all have the same settings in the backend. 4 of them are backing up beautifully to dropbox (thanks!) but the rest are giving me this error:

    “Backup error on 2011-06-11 at 12:58:32: The backup process appears to have gone away. Resuming backup.”

    I have given each a slightly different backup path in the “Store backup in this folder within Dropbox” field. I used this as the path “WordPressBackup/Toshiba” on one of the one’s I’m getting this error. All the other paths were similar.

    Not sure where the problem is coming from. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


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  • Golden – please let me know if you’ve figured anything out, I am having the same issue. Thanks.

    Greetings, Mikey! N00b here, and in the same boat as goldentriangleshow and willwhitman: Experienced a problem with my WP site after installing some plugins and need to do a restore. My backup log is clean & complete, so this should pose no problem. How is a restore performed? (Your answer could also be added to the FAQ–just sayin’…) Looks like the two previous calls for help have gone unanswered; hopefully, the third time’s the charm… Anyone???

    Thanks a million and have a fantastic day! ~Aden

    I’m having the same problem.

    I’m having the same problem as everyone else regarding the backup error messages. Sometimes the length between the startup and error is as little as 1 minute. Other times it’s as much as 4 minutes. But there isn’t a single backup using this plugin in my wp-content/backups folder. There’s nothing in Dropbox either. The only file in that folder is WordPress-backup.sql, a text (dump?) file created today when I asked it to backup manually – a process that still didn’t work. And I can’t find any error messages in the text file, which I don’t think is even complete. My normal zip backup is less than 40MB. I need a working automatic backup plugin! This is the third one I’ve tried to use, with no success.

    any solutions?

    My solution was to delete the plugin and find a new one, which works for me like a charm! ??


    Sweet, Thanks for the suggestion!!!

    Just tried it… very nice. backed up to dropbox with no issues.


    Thanks skangie, this plugin works for me!

    AJ Batac, what do you mean it calls home? Is that good or bad?

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