Charging support is an option but I don’t see it very viable in this situation. Many users came to me asking for support, saying they would reward me with a donation to thank me once they had received the support and guess what, once their problem was solved, I didn’t hear about them anymore, no more discussion about a potential donations…
Fact is only companies are ready to pay for support. 90% of the other users will try to obtain everything for free.
Theme integration is not really an avenue either. WATS really requires very few customization to work with any theme so it is quite smooth to integrate and most users are able to do it on their own.
Fact is I regularly get requests from users saying : “Man your plugin is great I love it! I would be ready to make a donation if you add this feature or that one.” I add the feature, deliver the new release and I never get any donation afterwards…
The situation here is quite symptomatic. Users are pressuring me to deliver a WP 3.0 compatible release. This represents a lot of work so I have asked users to contribute by making a small donation and guess what, I have only received 2 donations in one month. Those nice and fair users have received a copy of the WP 3.0 compatible release in advance of the others to thank them. The others could continue to complain and blame me telling that I am a bad guy because I don’t want to continue to work for free for them. Truth is that I have spent 400 hours since one year on this plugin and I have delivered 53 releases (one by week), more than 300 websites are using it and based on that, freebies assume they are entitled to get a new release when they ask for it. Doesn’t hurt asking but you can understand that I have no commitment to reply to their request…
You don’t find my attitude fair nor appropriate? Just start to developp a similar plugin and have fun. We will rediscuss the subject in one year. I am quite sure you would have change your mind when you will have freebies on your back…