[Plugin: WordPress Advanced Ticket System] WP3.0-alpha Categories
In WP 3.0 the ‘categories’ button in the admin area seems to be overridden by WATS in some way. When I activate WATS, the categories button in the ‘Posts’ section of the admin menu dissappears.
Could have something to do with the new post_type feature of 3.0.
Honestly, I have to admit that I haven’t looked into WP 3.0 so far as we are very far from the official release… Have you checked with 2.9.1? Do you have the same issue?
2.9.1 is perfectly OK. I’ll try to fix it with 3.0 and share it then.
OK, the problem is in wats-template.php
With version 3.0 some things regarding taxonomies and object types have changend.
You can use the new 3.0 function “register_taxonomy_for_object_type” or, for compatibility reasons, set the taxonomy for the ‘ticket’ object type manually like this:function wats_register_taxonomy() { global $wp_taxonomies; $wp_taxonomies['category']->object_type[] = 'ticket'; $wp_taxonomies['post_tag']->object_type[] = 'ticket'; }
Works for me – partly – the tags box doesn’t show.
For 3.0 you should register the ‘ticket’ object type with register_post_type().By the way, in your current version I see that you have added the post_tags to the ‘post’ object type:
register_taxonomy( 'post_tag', 'post', array('hierarchical' => false, 'update_count_callback' => 'wats_update_ticket_term_count', 'label' => __('Post Tags'), 'query_var' => false, 'rewrite' => false) ) ;
Shouldn’t it be like this?
register_taxonomy( 'post_tag', 'ticket', array('hierarchical' => false, 'update_count_callback' => 'wats_update_ticket_term_count', 'label' => __('Post Tags'), 'query_var' => false, 'rewrite' => false) ) ;
As far as I remember, the register taxonomy is setup this way to ensure that the post count isn’t troubled by the ticket count. This is the way I managed to fix an issue with the number of posts displayed next to the category in the category list.
I am not sure of what the problem is with release 3.0. I will have to check this. I am really focused on developing new features and fixing bugs in the current release right now.
Do you need to have WATS working with release 3.0 at this point? You can’t use 2.9.1?
The fix works for me with 3.0 and I have parallel installations. 3.0 for future developments and 2.9.1 for production purposes.
I have put some of the new functions into the codex. Might be interesting for WATS as well as some things are easier than before with the new post_type features.
The post count could be a problem. Maybe you need to use separate categories or catch the update_term_count in WP 3.0 with a filter.
Oh, and I like WATS a lot, it is simple and stable and helps keeping up with issues.
Ok I will check all these very valid points when 3.0 dev cycle would have moved forward a bit. Thanks for providing the code.
May I please ask you to provide me with your site URL? I know WATS is starting to be widely used however I haven’t seen a lot of live installations in action. You can drop me a mail through my blog contact form if you don’t want to put your url here.
I just upgraded to WP 3.0 and found WATS broke things for any posts marked Private. They no longer show up in the Recent Posts list, and when I try to view the private posts from the Admin backend, I get an error 404.
Already answered this one…
I have spent 10 hours modifying the code for WP 3.0 so far. I think I have already completed 50% of the work.
I am ready to complete the work and deliver a new release if I receive an amount of donations of at least 25% of the hours spent to deliver a 3.0 compatible release.
I usually charge 100€ for an hour of PHP development to my customers. Let’s say that I would have spent a total of 20 hours which means 2.000€.
I will deliver the new release once I would have received at least 500€ of donations. Is that fair?
Knowing that the plugin is installed on more than 250 blogs today. If all users are giving 2€, we are done.
Some will probably feel like this is racket… Personnally sometimes, I feel a bit like a slave as I already spent more than 300 hours developping and supporting this plugin and I received less than 0,50€ of donations per hour spent! People are asking for features but very rarely recognize the work performed through donations. So I guess it is time to change habits a bit. While WP GPL plugins are free to download on WP.org, they aren’t really free to code for developers…
Thanks ??
LOL man… how about I send you my $10 you send me the fix and then just charge $10 a download on your site. That would get you $2500 US, if… people dont just use something else.
Simple, easy, to the point.
Or… $50 to someone who can just hack around this and share the code for free.
I know there has to be some Richard Stallman, (father of the GNU Project) true open source junkies out there who dont like the idea of WordPress turning into some Linux type solution.
Hack it up people!!
The plugin is free and it will remain free (unless I change my mind one day if I go on receiving an unbalanced number of feature requests versus the number of donations or contributions). So right now, I won’t charge for download. It isn’t because it is free that it doesn’t have a cost.
You can send 10$, this will help fill up the 500€ target ??
I think that what I am asking is fair. I could charge the license 50€, 100€ or even more… I am just asking people to contribute a bit to reward my work. You are probably not making a lot of money out of your site but this isn’t the case for all WATS users. Some users are companies which are using it as a support system.
There are also few ways to contribute to WATS development : by providing translation, by writing a post about it, etc…
I think that what I am asking is fair.
I don’t.
You’re asking us to “donate” in order to get something for “free” but making no guarantee to those who donate that they’ll even get it.
Just sell it for $5-10 or something, I might be willing to buy it. But I’m not going to send you money on the off chance that enough others do and you decide to release it.
Also, why punish users for using an up to date version of WordPress?
This just doesn’t make any sense :/ I’m probably just going to forget about this plugin, it’s nifty as a back end to-do list but meh
Reading is important :
https://www.lautre-monde.fr/wats-and-wp-3-0/I made it clear that I would send the plugin to those who would have sent at least 10€ of donations. Despites many people here, I always met my commitments. When someone asked for a feature in the past or for support, I always delivered it if I commited to, even if they fail to make the donation they commited to do on their side to motivate me at the begining….
I am not punishing anybody for using WP 3.0. Nobody forced you to upgrade. It was pretty clear that WATS wasn’t compatible with WP 3.0 when WP 3.0 was released. So it is really your problem if you have upgraded without paying attention to compatibility.
You can’t just come to me and ask for another free release within days. You need to understand that I am not anybody’s slave here and I really do what I want to. I am really pissed off by people asking for features and fixes ASAP without being ready to give anything in exchange.
You don’t think what I am asking for is fair? It is your position and I respect it. My only suggestion would be for you to start writing the same kind of plugin from scratch and see what it takes in terms of hours of dev and support. I am quite sure you’ll quickly change your mind, trust me… I can tell you that there is no fun in working 400 hours for free and then get under the pressure of unhappy freebies!
Actually i do understand you and i think in some way you are rigth. As you said i’m not getting big money with your plugin, actually i’m getting none. But your are right saying there are companies that they are offering a paid service with this plugin.
But i don’t think it is fair (not even your position on this) you should think there are some many small websites working with this (not mine actually, i do relay more on forums engines to do this job) that they aren’t using a real ticket system (with instant tech support) because of the expenses.
If you want to make money with this plugin i’d advise to use another way to do it. What about charging support or theme integration? I mean as long as the plugin does what it’s supposed to do with an updated wordpress version you don’t need to add new fancy options/effects as long as you don’t get paid for or feel like to. Charging for extra plugs like ticket fontpage themes or whatever… I mean charging for the proffesional support that some bussines will be willing to pay (nosense charging somebody that earn 10bucks per year with the site.. For example).Making us donate may work or not, but i don’t think that’s a way to ask for it. Rather you could make it premium paid plugin and be forgotten like any others i’ve seen.
Sorry for my english it’s not my primary language.
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