Just found this fix but it isn’t working for me. Its giving me strange results. Without the fix my blog used to create 4 files, or 5 if the original image was over 500 pixels wide (don’t know why). So when I add this function (verbatim) to my child theme’s functions.php file and set all the Media Setting sizes to zero it changes the attachment display settings size dropdown so only a full size option appears. Seems like it worked. However, when I monitor the upload directory I see that it now adds three image files. The original size, “full size” file is 600×521 and is uploaded as “600px-myimagename.svg_.png”. A second file was uploaded named “600px-myimagename.svg_-600×198.png” and its cropped (no idea why). And a third file was uploaded and named “600px-myimagename.svg_-500×434.png” and is reduced to 500×434. Its happening with every upload. Is anyone else having the same results?
I’ve had my blog since 2006 and I have thousands of unused image files. I’d really like to stop this.