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  • Does somebody know how you can put another stock option in it?

    It like to give the option: delivery time 1 week, or the option: not in stock.

    Is there a plugin that can do this?

    Hope that somebody can help me with this!

    Does somebody know how you can put another stock option in it?

    It like to give the option: delivery time 1 week, or the option: not in stock.

    Is there a plugin that can do this?

    Hope that somebody can help me with this!?

    There aren’t any hooks to add another stock option. But you can modify the single-product/price.php template file to display “Delivery time 1 week” instead of “In Stock”.

    The options that already displayed are fine, so i cant edit them, i just want another option in it.. Isn’t there a simple way to ad an stock option?

    @blokof – what status do you want to add and what is its purpose?



    Just thought I’d add something to enhance the answer given by bheadrick to the OP’s original question…

    To change the out of stock message for certain products only, you can add an ‘if’ statement with an array of the product ID’s of those that you want to change the message for.

    Add this to your themes functions.php file, changing the ID’s 2230 etc to match your product IDs:

    add_filter('woocommerce_get_availability', 'availability_filter_func');
    function availability_filter_func($availability)
    if(is_single( array(2230,2232,2234,2236)))$availability['availability'] = str_ireplace('Out of stock', 'your text here', $availability['availability']);
    return $availability;

    Now just the products you add to the array will have their out of stock message changed. All other products will keep the original ‘out of stock’ message,

    Thanks to bheadrick for the original function – it enabled me to work out how to use it for specific products!

    Hope this helps somebody out there!




    For those of you who have upgraded to WooCommerce 2.0, modify this file:

    As suggested by boluo33
    “There are three instances of:
    $availability = __(‘Out of stock’, ‘woocommerce’);
    within the file.”

    Change all three ‘Out of Stock’ to whatever you so desire. (In my case, I made it ‘ ‘, so that nothing shows and purchasing is simply unavailable). Cheers.

    @erfanv: That is a VERY, VERY, bad way to handle things. You should never modify plugin code unless you want to lose your mods when you upgrade, or lose the ability to upgrade.

    Use this filter instead:

    return apply_filters( 'woocommerce_get_availability', array( 'availability' => $availability, 'class' => $class ), $this );

    So for example ( you gotta do part of the work ?? –>

    add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_availability', 'change_out_of_stock', 100, 2 );
    function change_out_of_stock( $args, $obj ) {
    // do something here...

    More here:

    IgniteWoo Team



    Ouch. Two capital “VERY”‘s?!? Humph… now to learn about filters, how they work, and how to use them…



    Sorry, I’m totally lost.

    IgniteWoo Team,

    If i have a child theme to customize.

    Do i put both the codes above in functions.php?



    I’m sorry if this is an attempt to hijack the thread, but i’ve been searching the whole internet to find a simple way to put up the “out of stock” or “sold out’ sign in the first place.

    So I just want my catalog to add out of stock signs when stuff are out of stock.. I can’t find it how to do such simple thing.

    If anyone can help, much is appreciated!



    Hi, just want to share some codes here for the issue above:

    //change woocommerce ‘out of stock’ product status to any text status you want
    add_filter(‘woocommerce_get_availability’, ‘custom_get_availability’);

    function custom_get_availability($availability)
    $availability[‘availability’] = str_ireplace(‘Out of stock’, ‘Coming Soon…’, $availability[‘availability’]);
    //$availability[‘availability’] = str_ireplace(‘Out of stock’, ‘Sold Out!’, $availability[‘availability’]);
    //$availability[‘availability’] = str_ireplace(‘Out of stock’, ‘Call for Price’, $availability[‘availability’]);

    return $availability;

    @terrytsang where i’m supposed to paste that code? in which file?

    Thanks in advanced

    @t0m4s05, you need to past the code in functions.php in your theme folder.



    but its working on my local server not on my live site…

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