• Resolved Korvapuusti



    I apologize for the very long entry but I’m a bit a loss with plugin creation.
    I’m trying to code a plugin for internal use. It should offer a widget where the user can choose a source language, a target language and a text to translate; these info are then sent (in ajax) to a translation program hosted on a thrid-party server (hence the cURL part) and, finally, the translated text is displayed in the widget, below the text to translate.

    I was able to do the form, cURL and ajax with two php files, and a mix of php, html and js so that it works but translating this into a plugin (and even worse, in a plugin with a widget) was a totaly different story and I’m not a developper…

    I’ve tried to correctly implement Ajax in the WordPress way but I’m not sure if it is ok like that and I actually don’t know how I could make the widget display my code ^^° I guess I should put something in the function widget ? (but then what ?)

    Below, the php code :

    Plugin Name: Moduletrad
    Plugin URI:
    Description: Plugin to interface automatic translation
    Version: 1.0
    Author: Korvapuusti
    Author URI:
    License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
    Domain Path: /languages
    Text Domain: traduction-ipra
    defined( 'ABSPATH' ) or die( 'No script kiddies please!' );
    // enqueue the js script
    function plugintrad_enqueuescripts(){
    	wp_register_script ('ajax-script', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . '/js/ajax-script.js', array( 'jquery' ),'1',true);
    // passing the url of admin-ajx.php
    wp_localize_script( 'ajax-script', 'ajax-script', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) );
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', plugintrad_enqueuescripts);
    // form to send source language, target language and the text to translate
    // text area to receive the translated text
    function plugintrad_form(){
    	<form method="post" action="" id="form">
    		<label for="source">Langue source</label>
    			<select id="source" name="source">
    				<option value="fr">Fran?ais</option>
    				<option value="en" selected="selected">Anglais</option>
    				<option value="ar">Arabe</option>
    		<label for="target">Langue cible</label>
    			<select id="target" name="target">
    				<option value="fr">Fran?ais</option>
    				<option value="en">Anglais</option>
    				<option value="ar">Arabe</option>
    		<label for="textatrad">Saisissez le texte à traduire</label>
    		<br />
    		<textarea name="textatrad" id="textatrad" rows="10" cols="50" maxlength ="255"></textarea>
    			<textarea name="traduction" id="rep" rows="10" cols="50"></textarea>
    } ?>
    <?php // function to handle the info obtained with the form (url-ification, sending to the server hosting the translation program, retrieving the translated text)
    function moduletrad_ajax_handler (){
    	$params = array(
    		'q' => urlencode(htmlspecialchars($_POST["q"])),
    		'key' => "bla",
    		'target' => $_POST["target"],
    		'source' => $_POST["source"],
    	function httpPost($url,$params){
    	$postData = '';
       //crée les paires nom-valeur séparées par &
       foreach($params as $k => $v)
          $postData .= $k . '='.$v.'&';
       $postData = rtrim($postData, '&'); //enlève le dernier & pour que la fin de l'url soit correcte
       $proxy = "";
       $proxyport = "3128";
       $link = $url .'?'. $postData;
    	$ch = curl_init(); // initialise la session curl
    	// réglage des options curl
    	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$link); // url à récupérer
    	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true); // return la réponse du serveur
    	/*curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_HEADER,false); // n'inclue pas l'en-tête dans la valeur de retour*/
    	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXY, $proxy);
    	curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_PROXYPORT, $proxyport);
    	curl_setopt($cURL,CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,array (
            "Content-type: application/json",
    		"Accept: application/json"
    	$output = curl_exec($ch);
    	curl_close($ch); // ferme la session curl
    	return trim($output);
    $data = httpPost("https://adress.domain:0000/translate", $params);
    $data = json_decode($data, true);
    echo $data['data']['translations'][0]['translatedText'];
    //creating Ajax call for WordPress
    // adding the widget
    function moduletrad_init(){
    class moduletrad_widget extends WP_widget{
    	function moduletrad_widget(){
    		$widget_ops = array(
    		'classname'		=> 'traduction',
    		'description'	=> 'Automatic translation of specific terms'
    		parent::__construct('widget-moduletrad','Widget de traduction', $widget_ops);
    	function widget($args,$instance){
    		echo $before_widget;
    		echo $before_title.$instance["titre"].$after_title;
    		echo $after_widget;
    	function update($new,$old){
    		return $new;
    	function form($instance){
    		<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id("titre"); ?>">Titre :</label>
    		<input value="<?php echo $instance["titre"]; ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name("titre"); ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id("titre"); ?>" type="text"/>
    } 	?>

    and the js (ajax-script.js):

    			$("#textatrad").on('input', function(){
    				var textatrad = $("#textatrad").val();
    				var source = $("#source option:selected").val();
    				var target = $("#target option:selected").val();
    				if (source == target){
    					alert("la langue source et la langue cible doivent être différentes");
    				else if (textatrad == ""){
    				else {
    					$.post("ajaxtraitement2.php", {q: textatrad, source: source, target: target},
    					url : ajax-script.ajaxurl,
    					rep : {action: "ajaxscript"},
    					function (data){
    			return false;

    At this point, any advise would be most welcomed…

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Yes, the widget() function in your widget class declaration is where the front end output would go. Within this function you echo out all content that is to be within the widget container. It’s no different than echoing output from a template or any other PHP file, except that it’ll end up inside a div container.

    The rest of what you have looks pretty good for the most part. You should change the first line of ajax-script.js to this:
    I’m a little surprised it even works with the $ shortcut as first thing, but to be safe use jQuery there.

    It’s a little unorthodox to post to ajaxtraitement2.php instead of directly to the value in ajax-script.ajaxurl. It’d be better to go directly to ajax-script.ajaxurl and do whatever is done in ajaxtraitement2.php as part of the AJAX callback, but if there’s a good reason for splitting it out that I’m not seeing, then it’s OK. It’s just that going directly to ajax-script.ajaxurl would save an extra request, not a big deal.

    In case you haven’t seen it, the WP Plugin Handbook would be a good reference in general:

    Thread Starter Korvapuusti


    Thanks for taking the time to answer. Following your reply and what I understood of the WP Plugin Handbook (far from everything, I fear…), I have some more (possibly dumb) questions.

    In ajax-script.js, posting to ajaxtraitement2.php was indeed a mistake, as this file doesn’t exist anymore (it was the php file where I processed the ajax request in the pre-plugin state of this code). So now, also looking in the WP Plugin Handbook, this part of the js file looks like this :

    $.post(ajax-script.ajax_url, {q: textatrad, source: source, target: target, action: "ajaxscript",}
    					function (data){

    And then I’m also wondering if I shouldn’t send the response of my moduletrad_ajax_handler function to the ajax script, adding for instance at the end of said function a wp_send_json like that:

    $data = httpPost("https://adress.domain:0000/translate", $params);
    $data = json_decode($data, true);
    $data = $data['data']['translations'][0]['translatedText'];

    Does that make sense?

    Moderator bcworkz


    There are no dumb questions here ??

    You seem to have the basic concept down, which is far from simple to grasp. The trouble now is to chase down the bugs. AJAX is notoriously difficult to debug. Several disparate elements need to work together to pull this off. One slight error and nothing works. Adding a widget to the mix isn’t making things simpler ??

    One thing I just noticed is the JS .post() data includes action: "ajaxscript" but your AJAX PHP handler is added to ‘wp_ajax_moduletrad_ajax_handler’. (and the nopriv variant). These need to be coordinated, for example action: "moduletrad_ajax_handler"

    It’s good to verify that the proper scripts are being loaded with the page. Check the HTML source and be sure the paths to the scripts are correct. Beyond that, you have to be fairly creative to debug AJAX. The common PHP debugging technique of echoing out variables doesn’t work very well unless your JS is set up for it, which requires flawless JS.

    Using error_log() to check variables is one possibility, but some hosts do not provide immediate error log access. One advantage of developing locally is unfettered access. error_log() is not good for checking arrays and objects. These are better written to a dedicated log file. I have a friend who likes to email himself debug data instead. As I said, be creative ??

    Thread Starter Korvapuusti


    Thanks again! You’re right,there was a problem of coordination between the Ajax Handler and the .post() action. I’m now trying to debug the AJAX…

    But just to be sure, assuming I’m in the ideal (and for now imaginary) situation where everything works in my code : if I echo the function
    plugintrad_form() in the widget() function, will the widget display what I’m expecting? (meaning : the form to enter the text to translate and choose the languages and, only when something is typed, the translated-text textarea ?)
    Or is it not a good way to proceed?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Yes, that should work just fine.

    One little tip that’s not a problem now, but could become one that’s very difficult to track down. It’s recommended that the final closing ?> PHP delimiter in a plugin file be omitted. Should any extra whitespace creep in after the final ?>, it will be output to the browser when the file loads, which results in a “Headers already sent” error. A misleading error message if there ever was one.

    Without the closing ?>, any inadvertent end of file white space is just ignored.

    Thread Starter Korvapuusti


    At least, without the closing ?> I don’t get the “activating this plugin caused two unknown characters to be displayed” error message that I was getting before. So it’s a good tip!

    I’m still struggling with the AJAX check-up (plus the server on which the translation program is hosted has been temporarily shut down…) but if I succeed in making this code work, I’ll post it here, in case it could help someone (who knows).

    Thread Starter Korvapuusti


    So… I didn’t succeed in making it work. It seems that the java-script file is indeed not correctly enqueued but I can’t see where I made a (or multiple) mistake(s).

    I’m enqueuing and passing the url to admin-ajax.php with this function:

    // enqueue the js script
    add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'plugintrad_enqueuescripts');
    function plugintrad_enqueuescripts(){
    	wp_register_script ('ajax-script', plugins_url( '/js/ajax-script.js',  __FILE__ ), array( 'jquery' ),'1',true);
    	// passing the url of admin-ajx.php
    	wp_localize_script( 'ajax-script', 'ajax-script', array( 'ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ) );

    And checking if the script was correctly enqueued by adding at the beginning of the plugintrad_form function :

    $handle = 'ajax-script.js';
    	$list = 'enqueued';
    		if (wp_script_is($handle, $list)) {
    		print 'true';
    		}else {
    		print 'false';

    It always prints false and, looking at the result, it was anyway obvious the javascript is not taken into account.

    Do you or anyone else has some idea about what I did wrong when enqueing the script?

    Moderator bcworkz


    I believe the handle to check for should be ‘ajax-script’, not the filename. Thus your verification script is misleading you ??

    To check if your script is properly enqueued, you could just look at the HTML page source and try to locate your script page amongst the various javascript link tags. If it was properly enqueued, it’ll be here. Frequently the problem with getting your script to load is getting the path reference correct. In most browsers, clicking the script link in source view should result in the actual script content being displayed. If that doesn’t happen, there is a problem with the path.

    You have a problem with the localized script object. You are trying to use ‘ajax-script’ as the javascript object name, except hyphens are not permitted in javascript variable names. Try something like ‘ajaxScript’. It’s also less confusing than using the exact same PHP script handle. Be sure to update your javascript code that references this object.

    Thread Starter Korvapuusti


    Thanks once again for your answer! It is, as always, very helpful.

    You were right about the verification script, I should have put ‘ajax-script’ ^^” (now it prints true)

    I checked the HTML page source, localized the script and clicked on the link: the content is displayed so no problem there.

    I also changed the ‘ajax-script’ to ajaxScript in the localize script and in the javascript code, which now looks like that:

    			$("#textatrad").on('input', function(){
    				var textatrad = $("#textatrad").val();
    				var source = $("#source option:selected").val();
    				var target = $("#target option:selected").val();
    				if (source == target){
    					alert("la langue source et la langue cible doivent être différentes");
    				else if (textatrad == ""){
    				else {
    					$.post(ajaxScript.ajax_url, {q: textatrad, source: source, target: target, action: "moduletrad_ajax_handler",}
    					function (data){
    			return false;

    But it is still not working… Would you have yet another idea about what is causing the problem?

    Moderator bcworkz


    Nothing is jumping out at me.

    You might try putting the returned data in an alert box to ensure data is coming back from the AJAX call. If that’s not right and you’ve confirmed in HTML that the value assigned to ajaxScript.ajax_url is the proper URL, then your AJAX handler probably has a problem.

    Debugging PHP AJAX handlers is rather difficult. If possible, take the function out of the AJAX context and use it in a template context so it’s easier to see debug output. Feed it the same data that the jQuery .post() would send and see what happens.

    Thread Starter Korvapuusti


    Aaaaand this time it was a punctuation mistake! (how glorious) On the 15th line, I had put the comma before the bracket instead of after. The entire correct javascript code is thus :

    			$("#textatrad").on('input', function(){
    				var textatrad = $("#textatrad").val();
    				var source = $("#source option:selected").val();
    				var target = $("#target option:selected").val();
    				if (source == target){
    					alert("la langue source et la langue cible doivent être différentes");
    				else if (textatrad == ""){
    				else {
    					$.post(ajaxScript.ajax_url, {q: textatrad, source: source, target: target, action: "moduletrad_ajax_handler"},
    					function (data){
    			return false;

    Thanks to you and to my not-absent-minded boss, I now have a working plugin!

    Moderator bcworkz


    W00t!! Thank goodness for extra eyes.

    I should have caught that, but I failed to side-scroll far enough. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it ??

    The forum’s column width and 8 space tabs leave much to be desired in code-centric forums. Syntax highlighting would be nice too.

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