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  • Same problem here… ??

    Also same problem here …Is it a problem of twitter or of the plugin?

    Hey, I think the problem is not with twitter or this widget, but rather with wordpress itself. You can test this by just using the regular RSS widget with your twitter feed (or any public twitter feed) and seeing if it works.

    It seems like the database is getting messed up somewhere. My solution was to deactivate all my plugins, remove all my widgets, and then re-install wordpress automatically. (Tools –> Upgrade). Just re-install the same version. Then I went ahead and reactivated my plugins and replaced the widgets, and so far I’m in good shape.

    Good luck.

    Well, it seems doing that only fixed the problem temporarily, and then it came back. I backed up my WP database, and then went into the wp_options table, and the sidebars_widgets field. I copied the existing text onto a text editor to save it just in case, then removed the data for the twitter widget. it was not pleased. then I restored the original text, and voila, back to a working RSS feed. my guess is this will crap out again, but not sure why. maybe a database guru can figure it out?

    Same problem here. This twitter widget, as every other twitter plugin that has a sidebar widget, does not work for me (or works for a while and then stops). No prob with twitter’s official widget ( ).

    Any suggestions?

    Offtopic: I tried migrating over to for this reason, but there is no decent plugin for this network.. (“ tools” is not working either, can’t login to service).

    Same problem here. It works some times but way, WAY too often it gives an error. Probably close to 2/3rds of the time the widget fails to produce any tweets.

    Perhaps some light caching of tweets would solve the problem? keeping the last X tweets in memory in case the connection to twitter cannot be reached? other than the fact that it doesn’t work this widget would be absolutely PERFECT. any fix in sight?

    Any news on this matter?

    Did anyone found any Twitter plugin that truly works?

    This will happen if you don’t have caching enabled with a cache plugin. What happens is that your server makes a request to Twitter servers too often and they block you for awhile.

    Still way broken… I’m using a caching plugin called WP Widget Cache and consistently get the error message.

    I am having the same issue. Not just this plug-in but several that I have tried.

    Anyone know if it because of the Basic Auth to OAuth changes that where made to the API?



    does everyone agree that it’s probably safe to assume that this isn’t resolved (for any twitter widget) without some sort of successful caching (to stop twitter blocking your requests)

    so, use the official twitter widget, as mentioned earlier?


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