• Ovidiu



    ′Can’t write to the directory (please chmod it to 0775): /var/www/clients/clientXX/webXX/web/wp-content/plugins/web-optimizer/cache/′

    could this check please be changed to 755? that seems to be default for suPhp installations but I am open for suggestions.

    The point is, this installation ran just fine, but I disabled the plugin and now I can’t enable it again…


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  • anotherhero


    Web Optimizer checks this directory for writing permissions. If there is no such permissions, it can’t write to it. Usually (in the most cases) 0775 for directory is enough.

    If there is any way to detect from PHP how it’s run (via Apache or suPhp) – to change this number to 0755 for some cases — please write here.

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