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  • You cannot sitewide/network activation is still not a good thing for plugins that create files. In the next release you can either import settings for other blogs or configure the super admin’s site with settings and the children sites will copy and use those as those defaults upon activation.

    Hi Frederick,

    Can you give some advice on a basic approach on setting up W3TC on WPMU or better yet: WP 3.0 in MultiSite mode ?

    I can’t find any tips on the matter…

    Thanks ??

    The above is the only advice I can give. There are too many options to just deploy W3TC across an entire network in a single step.

    Ok, I understand. Looking forward to that next release! And thinking about the option to propagate the Site Admin settings to other blogs upon activation, it might be a neat thing to be able for the site admin to ‘lock’ these settings for all sites. I mean, W3TC is difficult for even a webmaster to configure, let alone some individual blog/site owner.

    As I understand it, settings like compression might even cause sites to become slower on some servers. It would be a good idea to be able to disable individual (or even ALL?) options for single site owners. So they cannot change settings that might break their site (or worse, the network) to avoid problems…

    Anyway, thanks ??

    The plugin is already 2MB, I’m not sure that feature benefits most of the users. If a webmasters don’t understand the plugin, they don’t need to change the settings. Just because there are lots of options doesn’t mean they all have to be touched. ?? Anyway, once configured most plugins are never touched.

    As for the compression issue, that is not true, the point of caching is to resolve that case.

    Actually i don’t think should be that difficult:
    just add if (is_site_admin()) to the hook menu or better add a hook to the MU admin menu (there is a funtion for that mather)

    Also the plugin only need en activate/install if there is an function called is_site_admin() and if true just copy the options from the main blog (id: 1). That’s the easiest way althought will not modify the ones created already when the main blog changes the options (would be enought with a loop checking all exisitng blog thou)

    Wonderfull plugin by the way..


    Sorry, but it is difficult. As I already explained there are two ways to activate your settings site wide right now. When site-wide activation is less buggy for plugins that create files, I’ll revisit the issue.

    I sympathize with the size issue, but I think what Ravan had to say actually is spot on. The size of the plugin really doesn’t bother me in the least. I think the plugin’s future is tied closely to the development of multisites, which I believe will expand after the release of WP3. And his points go to the crux of the matter. It’s not that the web master doesn’t understand the plugin. It’s that people who have blogs hosted off the main site will get to tinkering in a way that can screw the pooch. An option to make the settings available only to the primary blog admin would be a way around this.

    Point taken.

    Mmm.. Ok.
    to make the plugins to get some “default” options is enough to do as follow:
    in file “wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/lib/W3/config.php”after
    var $_defaults = array(
    there are the default values. You only need to change them to whatever you need. To make it easier the file inside wp-content that’s named
    “w3-total-cache-config-yourdomain.php” you have the values as you save them. Just copy-paste.

    To get the activation site-wide avaliable is a little bit more tricki.
    In “wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/lib/W3/Plugin/Totalcache.php”
    look for the function : “function wpmu_check()”
    Comment both lines to allow you activate sitewide. This will also get ride of the funny bug that block you to activate sitewide any other plugin after this one (that’s why i have to look for it).
    And at last make that option and the errors only avaliable for the site admin:
    in the same file (Totalcache.php) look for the function:
    “function admin_menu()”
    You warp all the code of that function inside of:
    if (is_site_admin()){ … }

    And all done. Look the plugin is so wonderfull it will create a cache directory for every subdomain. Really a nice plugin it is.



    Sorry to drag up this old thread. I’m wondering if there is any home for network activation with newer versions of WordPress. I appreciate anduriell’s tips but they don’t look like they apply to WordPress version 3.0.5.


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