• faktanett


    I have a network of several sites set up as sub-blogs on a WP Multisite install. On the main site, I use WpeMatico to fetch and post content from the sub-sites rss feeds, so its front page always shows the newest content in network.

    After last update of W3, WpeMaticos scheduled cronjobs stopped running. Yesterday I tried deactivating W3 Total Cache, and imediately cronjobs started running as normal. Then I reactivated W3, and as expected, crons stopped being triggered again.

    So, either something had been done to W3 in last update that clashed with WpeMatico, OR, there is some cache setting I have not been able to figure out that affects wp-cron.

    Any ideas?

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  • duart


    Similar happened to me (Mailpress plugin not sending mails). Today after update W3TC to my mails went away to customers.
    Worth to try updating.

    Kind regards



    I’m seeing the same issue – wp-cron jobs are never successfully run with W3TC

    @fredericktownes can verify this by installing WP Crontrol, creating some arbitrary cron job, then trying to run it. It will remain at the top of the “WP-Cron Entries” table at /wp-admin/tools.php?page=crontrol_admin_manage_page with next run set to “Now”.

    Frederick Townes


    Does it stop if you visit pages that is not cached? Can easily test by adding a query to an URL if you have cache queries disabled.

    When caching is used it can prevent wp cron from running because WordPress is not fully run if a cached version of the visited page exist. When using Disc:Enhanced WordPress is not run at all if cached page exists. Its circumvented completely.



    I don’t think the the admin page for Crontrol would ever be cached and it doesn’t trigger it (example.com/wp-admin/tools.php?page=crontrol_admin_manage_page).

    That’s also when logged in as an admin user and with page caching disabled.

    W3TC 0.9.3 appears to still have this issue.

    @fredericktownes are there plans to fix this?

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