[Plugin: W3 Total Cache] – Some problems
I have been using W3TC for a while, but lately I had to disable it :-\
The first problem I have been facing was blog’s feeds stopped working (like if no new posts where being issued); Technorati stopped updating my blog, and my blog started loosing authority and ranking ??
So while disabling feeds caching, I read about limiting feeds items issued by WP, and I tweaked blog’s feed URI adding the following:?max-results=60
Using a feed reader I could ensure that feeds where working back again.
At that point I configured the CDN using the self-hosted/subdomain technique; it took quite a long time to scan the whole db looking for attachments, and the plugin couldn’t make it to import my media library, so I manually FTPed those missing files to the CDN.
I’ve left the plugin on for a few days; in the meanwhile I have redesigned to site to enable CSS Sprites thoroughly.
Before uploading the new site version, I did the following:
1) uploaded new stuff to the WP install
2) disabled the plugin (within W3TC main page, not in the plugin’s panel) to allow users to surf while updating the CDN
3) Updated the CDN manually
4) Erased all the caches, although I could notice a lot of file where being left by W3TC in the CDN in w3tc/min folder
5) turned on W3TC againAfter a couple hours I noticed the following problems:
a) a test page I use, with third-parties scripts disabled (Adsense, Analyitics, etc) was being served to end users in place of the proper one!
b) an included php module, being run with asynch/Ajax/Jquery technique in the sidebar (shows WordPress.com stats top posts) was empty.After all I have disabled the plugin again, awaiting for some help.
- WP 2.9.2 - Shared host (HostGator) - Plugins: * All in One SEO Pack Version * Contact Form 7 Version 2.3.1 * Disqus Comment System Version 2.33.8752 * Google XML Sitemaps Version 3.2.4 * Hackadelic SEO Table Of Contents Version: 1.7.3 * qTranslate Version 2.5.7 * Really Simple CAPTCHA Version 1.1 * Robots Meta Version 3.3.1 * Search & Replace Version 2.5.1 * Simple Tags Version 1.8 * W3 Total Cache Version * WordPress.com Stats Version 1.7.2 * WordPress Related Posts Version 1.1.1 * WP-Cumulus Version 1.23 * WP Tuner
W3TC Options (I’m only listing only active ones):
********* PAGE CACHE ********************************** *** GENERAL * Cache the home page * Cache site, categories, tags, comments and feeds *** ADVANCED * Garbage collection interval:3600 * Never cache the following pages: wp-.*\.php index\.php * Cache exception list: wp-comments-popup.php wp-links-opml.php wp-locations.php * Specify page headers: Last-Modified Content-Type X-Pingback P3P *** CACHE PRELOAD * Update interval:900 * Pages per interval:10 * Sitemap URL: https://MYSITE/sitemap.xml ********* MINIFY CACHE ************************** *** GENERAL * Rewrite URL structure * Automatically upload modified files *** HTML * HTML minify settings: Enable Inline CSS minification Inline JS minification Line break removal * Ignored comment stems: google_ad_section_ RSPEAK_ *** JAVASCRIPT * JS minify settings: Enable Comment removal Line break removal *** CASCADING STYLE SHEETS * CSS minify settings: * Enable * Line break removal * CSS file management: (my custom theme) *** ADVANCED * Update external files every:86400 * Garbage collection interval:86400 ********* DATABASE CACHE SETTINGS ********************** *** GENERAL * Don't cache queries for logged in users *** ADVANCED * Maximum lifetime of cache objects:180 * Garbage collection interval:3600 * Ignored query stems: gdsr_ wp_rg_ ********* OBJECT CACHE ********************** *** GENERAL * Don't cache WordPress Admin *** ADVANCED * Default lifetime of cache objects:180 * Garbage collection interval:3600 * Global groups: users userlogins usermeta site-options site-lookup blog-lookup blog-details rss * Non-persistent groups: comment counts ********* BROWSER CACHE ********************** *** GENERAL * Set expires header * Set cache control header * Set the Etag header to encourage browser caching of files. * Set W3 Total Cache header * Enable HTTP (gzip) compression (hidden when plugin running, Hostgator doens't support this on shared hostings) *** CASCADING STYLE SHEETS AND JAVASCRIPT * Set expires header * Expires header lifetime:604800 * Set cache control header * Cache Control policy: Cache with validation * Set entity tag (eTag) * Set W3 Total Cache header * Enable HTTP (gzip) compression *** HTML * Set expires header * Expires header lifetime:604800 * Set cache control header * Cache Control policy: Cache with validation * Set entity tag (eTag) * Set W3 Total Cache header * Enable HTTP (gzip) compression *** MEDIA & OTHER FILES * Set expires header * Expires header lifetime:31536000 * Set cache control header * Cache Control policy: Cache with validation * Set entity tag (eTag) * Set W3 Total Cache header * Enable HTTP (gzip) compression ********* USER AGENT GROUP SETTINGS ********************** * Group name: high * Enabled * Theme: pass-through * User agents: acer\ s100 android archos5 blackberry9500 blackberry9530 blackberry9550 cupcake docomo\ ht\-03a dream htc\ hero htc\ magic htc_dream htc_magic incognito ipad iphone ipod lg\-gw620 liquid\ build maemo mot\-mb200 mot\-mb300 nexus\ one opera\ mini samsung\-s8000 series60.*webkit series60/5\.0 sonyericssone10 sonyericssonu20 sonyericssonx10 t\-mobile\ mytouch\ 3g t\-mobile\ opal tattoo webmate webos * Group name: low * Enabled * Theme: pass-through * User agents: 2\.0\ mmp 240x320 alcatel amoi asus au\-mic audiovox avantgo benq bird blackberry blazer cdm cellphone danger ddipocket docomo dopod elaine/3\.0 ericsson eudoraweb fly haier hiptop hp\.ipaq htc huawei i\-mobile iemobile j\-phone kddi konka kwc kyocera/wx310k lenovo lg lg/u990 lge\ vx midp midp\-2\.0 mmef20 mmp mobilephone mot\-v motorola netfront newgen newt nintendo\ ds nintendo\ wii nitro nokia novarra o2 openweb opera\ mobi opera\.mobi palm panasonic pantech pdxgw pg philips phone playstation\ portable portalmmm ppc proxinet psp pt qtek sagem samsung sanyo sch sec sendo sgh sharp sharp\-tq\-gx10 sie small smartphone softbank sonyericsson sph symbian symbian\ os symbianos toshiba treo ts21i\-10 up\.browser up\.link uts vertu vodafone wap willcome windows\ ce windows\.ce winwap xda zte ********* CDN ********************** *** GENERAL * Host wp-includes/ files * Host theme files * Host custom files * Import external media library attachments *** FTP CONGIGURATION (skipped) *** ADVANCED * Enable changed files auto-upload * Auto upload interval: 3600 * Re-transfer cycle limit:25 * wp-includes file types to upload: *.css; *.js; *.gif; *.png; *.jpg * Theme file types to upload: *.css; *.js; *.gif; *.png; *.jpg; *.ico; *.ttf; *.otf, *.woff * File types to import: *.jpg; *.png; *.gif; *.avi; *.wmv; *.mpg; *.wav; *.mp3; *.txt; *.rtf; *.doc; *.xls; *.rar; *.zip; *.tar; *.gz; *.exe * Custom file list: favicon.ico wp-content/gallery/* wp-content/uploads/* * Rejected files: wp-content/uploads/wpcf7_captcha/*
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