For me the plugin worked but all of the background images, the world, europe, etc were missing. I reenabled them with a edit of the file “visitor-maps-worldmap.php” by saving the background image url for later then using it in the html for the map:
diff changes for “visitor-maps-worldmap.php” (the right side is the old version):
< $image_worldmap_url = $image_worldmap; // added this just before the "map parameters" comment
< $string .= '<div style="position:relative; border:none; background-image:url('.$image_worldmap_url.'); width:'.$image_worldmap_width.'px; height:'.$image_worldmap_height.'px;">';
> $string .= '<div style="position:relative; border:none; background-image:url('.$image_worldmap.'); width:'.$image_worldmap_width.'px; height:'.$image_worldmap_height.'px;">';
I am sure the plugin author Mike Challis could offer a more elegant solution. I hope this helps someone that needs a quick fix.