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  • spencejosiah


    I am having the same problem. I select the file, I hit “Update” for the page, and Chrome even shows a little upload progress meter. But then the form shows nothing and calling the field in my template displays nothing.

    Thread Starter jelewis8


    @spencejosiah Where are you seeing the upload meter? I’m not getting that. I’ve tried this in Chrome and Firefox and Safari (I don’t even bother with IE).

    I feel like this is either a permissions issue or a jQuery problem.



    In Chrome, at the bottom right-hand corner of the window, a little meter appears that shows the percentage of upload. It is just text, not a progress bar.

    From my end of things, the problem is solved. It turns out that, since this is a new WordPress install that I was working with, I hadn’t yet made the uploads folder writable. Try checking your permissions to see if you are having trouble for the same reason.

    The only problem that I am still having is that I am getting a broken image link for the thumbnail in the backend.

    Thread Starter jelewis8


    Hmmm. I have my uploads folder (manually created) chmodded to 777. I’m not seeing an uploader bar or any indication that the form is even getting posted.

    I’ve tried this on two different servers (one’s my linux host and one’s a WAMP installation) and neither seems to work with image uploading…

    Thread Starter jelewis8


    Okay, I have gotten the uploader to work; I am now seeing a broken image link on the backend thumbnail. Display on frontend works great.

    Loading the timthumb.php image link for the thumbnail in sep. tab brings up a lot of error messages like ” Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by… (output started at /wp-content/plugins/verve-meta-boxes/tools/timthumb.php:235) in /wp-content/plugins/verve-meta-boxes/tools/timthumb.php on line 474″

    Thread Starter jelewis8


    Got it. Edit your timthumb.php line 474 to read image/jpg instead of image/png.

    Your thumbs should show up now.



    Awesome! Out of curiosity, how did you get your upload to work?

    Thread Starter jelewis8


    I had to create a cache folder inside the verve-meta-boxes/tools folder and chmod it to -R 777 and chmod timthumb.php to 777.

    Not sure why the cache folder wasn’t created initially with the plugin installation.

    To solve the broken image link issue in the admin panel (wp backend) comment this lines in the timthumb.php file (code inside show_cache_file function):

    if (isset($_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"])) {
        // check for updates
        $if_modified_since = preg_replace("/;.*$/", "", $_SERVER["HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE"]);
        if ($if_modified_since == $gmdate_mod) {
            header("HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified");

    And images will show up in the admin.

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