• Kyle


    MCE table buttons does not correctly update in WP 5.9. this is occurring on all WP installs across multiple environments with only MCE Table Buttons and the Classic Editor installed.

    After clicking update in the plugin page the plugin gets deactivated:

    The plugin mce-table-buttons/mce_table_buttons.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.

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  • I see the same error. It seems that de file mce_table_buttons.php was renamed to class_mce_table_buttons.php causing this error.

    As a test, I renamed the file (mv class_mce_table_buttons.php mce_table_buttons.php) and was able to reactivate the plugin and use it in the classic editor.

    same for me as people above… had to recover my site from a daily backup

    You shouldn’t need to revert to any backups to solve this issue, you simply need to reactivate the plugin. The plugin is automatically deactivated because the name of the main plugin file changed, but you can still reactivate it under the new filename.

    Hopefully, in the next release, the author will leave the new file in-place, but also create a copy with the old name that points to the new file (so that, if someone has already updated the plugin and reactivated it, it will continue to work; and if someone kept the old version of the plugin installed, an update won’t deactivate that, either).

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