• Resolved Army


    Hi there. I looked through all of the threads for this particular issue but I don’t see it. The other date/time issues are different from mine. For some reason, the plugin is displaying dates/times based off of the default WordPress UTC timezone setting instead of the offset selected in Settings/General, which is set to Pacific Time (Los Angeles).

    Regardless of the feed, the date/time showing from the plugin is 7 hours ahead of the publish date. Therefore, any stories published at 6pm Pacific on June 6th, for example, will be displayed by the plugin as being published at 1am on June 7th.

    I have read multiple accounts of people modifying the timezone setting in the wp-settings.php core file to correct for these types of issues, however, the consensus is that making any changes to that file is a bad idea. Any idea why this might be occurring? FYI, the Hostgator server I’m on is on Central time (only a 2 hour difference) and my php.ini file is set to Pacific Time (Los Angeles), so I’m ruling out any server issues.

    I set up a test page using a basic wordpress installation running only this plugin.

    Test page: https://deepinsidethekings.com/1test/
    Feed: https://mayorsmanor.com/feed/

    And remember that this happens regardless of which feed I test.

    Thanks for any input as I’m at a complete loss on how to solve this problem.


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  • Hi Army,

    WP RSS Aggregator imports feed items’ date based on the offset that is provided in the feed, and displays the date based on the general WordPress time zone. In your case, considering the item with slug justin-williams-comments-after-winning-2014-stanley-cup, the date of the story is Sat, 14 Jun 2014 06:14:03, which seems to be exactly what is displayed on the frontend. Can you definitely confirm that the timezone selected in Settings > General is not UTC+0?
    Also, please make sure that an actual city name e.g. “Los Angeles” is selected in the dropdown.

    Please get back to us if this does not resolve your problem.

    Hi all,

    I’m wondering if this has been resolved, I’m not using the WP RSS Aggregator but I’ve got the same issue with a customized ticketing system plugin. The ticket updates (posts?) show the UTC time instead of local. The developer says it’s a local setting, and I would have to agree, I don’t think he’s just blowing it off.

    The WP installation is properly configured with Central time (currently UTC -6), as is the Hostgator server I’m using, verified with Hostgator support. Hostgator support and I went all through settings we could think of to resolve the issue, php etc. I even changed the WP timezone to -12 and +12, with no change, the UTC time is still displayed (local +6).

    Any ideas? Thanks!

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