[Plugin: User Avatar] Picture does not display
Trying to upload avatar…the entire process works until you press upload..image does not display
hello guys,
In order for this plugin can work well, easy as pie. You just remove all the existing code in timthumb-config.php file with the following code below:
<?php if( isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) ){ $id = $_GET['id']; if( !strpos( $_GET['src'],"/avatars/".$id."/" ) ) die(); } else { die(); } // this is the standard set up with wp-content living 3 levels down define ('WP_CONTENT_DIR', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))); define ('AVATARS_DIR',WP_CONTENT_DIR.'/uploads/avatars/'); // cache the file inside the avatar directory // please modify this to your hearts content if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY', AVATARS_DIR.$id.'/cache'); // this are pretty much the standard settings if(! defined('DEBUG_ON') ) define ('DEBUG_ON', false); // Enable debug logging to web server error log (STDERR) if(! defined('DEBUG_LEVEL') ) define ('DEBUG_LEVEL', 1); // Debug level 1 is less noisy and 3 is the most noisy if(! defined('MEMORY_LIMIT') ) define ('MEMORY_LIMIT', '30M'); // Set PHP memory limit if(! defined('BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS') ) define ('BLOCK_EXTERNAL_LEECHERS', false); // If the image or webshot is being loaded on an external site, display a red "No Hotlinking" gif. //Image fetching and caching if(! defined('ALLOW_EXTERNAL') ) define ('ALLOW_EXTERNAL', TRUE); // Allow image fetching from external websites. Will check against ALLOWED_SITES if ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES is false if(! defined('ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES') ) define ('ALLOW_ALL_EXTERNAL_SITES', false); // Less secure. if(! defined('FETCH_LOCAL_URLS') ) define ('FETCH_LOCAL_URLS', false); // If true, URL sources will always be fetched over HTTP, even if they have the same hostname as this script if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_ENABLED') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_ENABLED', TRUE); // Should we store resized/modified images on disk to speed things up? if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS')) define ('FILE_CACHE_TIME_BETWEEN_CLEANS', 86400); // How often the cache is cleaned if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_MAX_FILE_AGE', 86400); // How old does a file have to be to be deleted from the cache if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_SUFFIX', '.timthumb.txt'); // What to put at the end of all files in the cache directory so we can identify them if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_PREFIX') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_PREFIX', 'timthumb'); // What to put at the beg of all files in the cache directory so we can identify them if(! defined('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY') ) define ('FILE_CACHE_DIRECTORY', './cache'); // Directory where images are cached. Left blank it will use the system temporary directory (which is better for security) if(! defined('MAX_FILE_SIZE') ) define ('MAX_FILE_SIZE', 10485760); // 10 Megs is 10485760. This is the max internal or external file size that we'll process. if(! defined('CURL_TIMEOUT') ) define ('CURL_TIMEOUT', 20); // Timeout duration for Curl. This only applies if you have Curl installed and aren't using PHP's default URL fetching mechanism. if(! defined('WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS') ) define ('WAIT_BETWEEN_FETCH_ERRORS', 3600); //Time to wait between errors fetching remote file //Browser caching if(! defined('BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE') ) define ('BROWSER_CACHE_MAX_AGE', 864000); // Time to cache in the browser if(! defined('BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE') ) define ('BROWSER_CACHE_DISABLE', false); // Use for testing if you want to disable all browser caching //Image size and defaults if(! defined('MAX_WIDTH') ) define ('MAX_WIDTH', 1500); // Maximum image width if(! defined('MAX_HEIGHT') ) define ('MAX_HEIGHT', 1500); // Maximum image height if(! defined('NOT_FOUND_IMAGE') ) define ('NOT_FOUND_IMAGE', ''); // Image to serve if any 404 occurs if(! defined('ERROR_IMAGE') ) define ('ERROR_IMAGE', ''); // Image to serve if an error occurs instead of showing error message if(! defined('PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT') ) define ('PNG_IS_TRANSPARENT', FALSE); //42 Define if a png image should have a transparent background color. Use False value if you want to display a custom coloured canvas_colour if(! defined('DEFAULT_Q') ) define ('DEFAULT_Q', 90); // Default image quality. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php if(! defined('DEFAULT_ZC') ) define ('DEFAULT_ZC', 1); // Default zoom/crop setting. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php if(! defined('DEFAULT_F') ) define ('DEFAULT_F', ''); // Default image filters. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php if(! defined('DEFAULT_S') ) define ('DEFAULT_S', 0); // Default sharpen value. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php if(! defined('DEFAULT_CC') ) define ('DEFAULT_CC', 'ffffff'); // Default canvas colour. Allows overrid in timthumb-config.php //Image compression is enabled if either of these point to valid paths //These are now disabled by default because the file sizes of PNGs (and GIFs) are much smaller than we used to generate. //They only work for PNGs. GIFs and JPEGs are not affected. if(! defined('OPTIPNG_ENABLED') ) define ('OPTIPNG_ENABLED', false); if(! defined('OPTIPNG_PATH') ) define ('OPTIPNG_PATH', '/usr/bin/optipng'); //This will run first because it gives better compression than pngcrush. if(! defined('PNGCRUSH_ENABLED') ) define ('PNGCRUSH_ENABLED', false); if(! defined('PNGCRUSH_PATH') ) define ('PNGCRUSH_PATH', '/usr/bin/pngcrush'); //This will only run if OPTIPNG_PATH is not set or is not valid ?>
You can see the examples that make this plugin run well on our website at https://www.mediabebas.com
or directly to this link:
Still doesn’t work!
My solution
open user-avatar.php
fide next code on line 596
$avatar_src = "/wp-content/uploads/avatars/".$item_id."/".$avatar_img;
and replace
$avatar_src = get_site_url()."/wp-content/uploads/avatars/".$item_id."/".$avatar_img;
and finde next code on line 602
$avatar_url = plugins_url('/user-avatar/user-avatar-pic.php')."?src=".$avatar_src ."&w=".$width."&id=".$item_id."&random=".$file_time;
and replace
$avatar_url = $avatar_src;
Hi Mexalim,
Your solution works! I had installed this plugin but was having the same problem everyone else was having. Then I followed your directions, and now I can see the avatars.Thanks so much for sharing!
Rita Lorraine
Pretty bogus that you have to edit a plugin to make it work, isn’t it?
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