Hello. I installed the plugin v1.4.8 with WP 3.4 (spanish) and PHP 5.3.10.
The plug-in is great and very useful.
At first, as it is said in this thread, it didn’t work. But diving the code I found that the problem is the following.
In the upload pic form, we have this line:
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" />
I don’t know if this line was useful before, but rigth now it leads to a confusion.
When admin-ajax.php tries to handle the request, understands that the required action is “save“. This action does not exist so it reaches the die() in the admin-ajax.
The workaround I found is this:
In the file user-avatar/user-avatar.php comment this line:
<!-- <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" /> -->
It is in function “user_avatar_add_photo_step1“.
I repeat, I don’t know if this line is useful because I commented it and the plugin started to work ok.
Please, may the developers clarify if the line is useful?