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  • Do you have the user’s WordPress role (not UAM role) set to ‘subscriber’ rather than ‘contributor’ or ‘author’?

    If you have a look at

    you can see that subscribers don’t have access to edit content.

    So if you set up a UAM group and put people in it that only have WordPress role subscriber, they still won’t be able to edit. You need to set the role affiliation in UAM to something that allows them access to edit the page.

    Does that help?

    Thread Starter segalmedia


    Thanks for your reply. This is where I am confused. I understand and have researched user roles. I have set wordpress roles to every level. What happens is that my whole site is then open to this user. It was my understanding that I could control my site with this plugin by limiting the user to one page, post or category. I must be missing a key step. Any additional help?

    Thanks again,


    Yes, you should be able to limit access to content by group.

    For example, I have a staff group and a reseller group, and I can specify that my stafflist page is only available to staff, and that my reseller forum is available to both staff and resellers (by editing the relebant page, and ticking the ‘group’ boxes). I can also set posts to be visible to only one group, by editing the category and ticking the group boxes in there.

    What I mean about the wordpress roles is that if I create a user, put him in the Reseller group, and leave his WordPress Role set to Subscriber, then he can see the reseller pages, but not create posts, because he’s still only a subscriber and subscribers can’t make posts.

    If I change his role to contributor, without changing his group, he can now create posts, view content set as accessible to the reseller group, but not publish posts. To allow him to publish posts, I’d need to change his role to Author.

    I am wondering if you haven’t done the ‘tick the boxes on the category/post/page’ step?

    If all the group boxes are unticked, then the post, category, or page is open access. To use this plugin to block access, you have to create at least one group, then tick the box to give access to that group (and not to anyone else) HTH.

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