• Well, crap. I asked over two years ago about the possibility of adding an option that would only block the offending IP instead of blocking a /24 subnet (there are many ways IP blocks are distributed, not just in class C sized chunks) … See the thread here.

    Since it didn’t seem like you wanted that option, I went ahead and customized your plugin a long time ago to meet my needs (I also added blacklisted usernames as well, since most bots tend to try usernames that don’t exist on my blog and I wanted to instantly ban then) … to my chagrin I just noticed that you updated your plugin Sept. of last year so I lost my customizations (totally my fault but still incredibly frustrating.)

    So, I’m back. Any chance of adding an option to only block a single IP instead of blocking the /24 of the offending IP? Any interest in adding an option for black-listed usernames?

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  • Thread Starter tsimmons


    Actually, probably a better solution is to fork my own (I don’t mean to put work on you if you don’t see the need for those customizations.) Do you have any issue with me forking a copy of your plugin?

    Thanks for your work!



    I do actually plan on adding in your request, and I am hoping to get it updated within the next couple of weeks. I have 2 other fixes I need to make as well, one for Windows installs and one for translations. I will update here once that is pushed live.


    Thread Starter tsimmons


    Thanks. I have gone ahead and forked it (we have numerous blogs that take advantage of some of the other features I had created including logging to fail2ban, blacklisted usernames, etc.) but haven’t posted it to the WordPress plugin repository as of yet.



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