Since swill did not respond, and I got no response on the Thematic forums, I was forced to do this the wrong and ugly way.
I have no idea where to properly inject my shortcodes in the functions of the loop, I have altered the single.php in my child theme to single-customposttypename.php and essentially removed the thematic_singlepost function, then rebuilt it using HTML and PHP. Its ugly, and its wrong, but it works.
// calling the widget area 'single-top'
<div id="title" class="entry-title"><?php wp_title(); ?></div>
<div id="rr-tngreview"><?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]tngreview[/xydac_field]'); ?></div>
<div id="link"><a href="<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]link[/xydac_field]'); ?>">Visit the Website</a></div>
<div id="image-from-website"><img src="<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]image-from-website[/xydac_field]'); ?>"></div>
<div id="copied-text-from-website">From the Website:<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]copied-text-from-website[/xydac_field]'); ?></div>
<div id="testimonials"><?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]testimonials[/xydac_field]'); ?></div>
<div id="link"><a href="<?php echo do_shortcode('[xydac_field]link[/xydac_field]'); ?>">Visit the Website</a></div>
// action hook creating the single post. Commented and added the manual title php and echo shortcodes to get the shortcodes to work right. Uncomment the line below to return to original.
// thematic_singlepost();
Note above due to this forum not allowing links you have to imagine the a href markup.