• Resolved Jinxity


    I have move the link to twitter on the tweet excerpt and now if my tweet contains a link it’s look like that :

    NEWS 2467 : Sanofi se transforme en une grande Biotech : Genzyme, la Biotech américaine rache… <a href=

    My code :

    $widgetContent .= “<span class=’entry-content’>”;
    $widgetContent .= $this->_buildLink($entryContent, $linkAttrs);
    $widgetContent .= ‘</span>’;
    $widgetContent .= “<span class=’entry-meta’>”;
    $widgetContent .= “<span class=’time-meta’> | “;
    $widgetContent .= $tweet->ago;
    $widgetContent .= ‘</span>’;

    I would like to keep the link on the excerpt and not on the date but I have tried differents solutions unsuccessfully. Someone have an idea ?

    Thanks ??


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  • Plugin Author Aaron D. Campbell


    You really shouldn’t modify the plugin code like that. Instead you should use the widget_twitter_content filter to add your link. Then you’ll need to remove the existing autolinking by removing those filters. It should all be done from another plugin or from your theme’s functions.php file so you don’t break future upgrades. I haven’t tested it, but code like this should work:

    function range_plugins_loaded() {
    	// Instantiate Twitter Widget
    	$wpTwitterWidget = wpTwitterWidget::getInstance();
    	// Remove auto-linking
    	remove_filter( 'widget_twitter_content', array( $wpTwitterWidget, 'linkTwitterUsers' ) );
    	remove_filter( 'widget_twitter_content', array( $wpTwitterWidget, 'linkUrls' ) );
    	remove_filter( 'widget_twitter_content', array( $wpTwitterWidget, 'linkHashtags' ) );
    	add_filter( 'widget_twitter_content', 'range_link_whole_tweet', null, 2 );
    add_action( 'plugins_loaded', 'range_plugins_loaded' );
    function range_link_whole_tweet( $tweet_text, $tweet ) {
    	return "<a href='https://twitter.com/{$tweet->user->screen_name}/statuses/{$tweet->id_str}'>{$tweet_text}</a>";

    Again, you don’t want to directly edit the plugin because you’ll have to re-do your edits every time I release an update! This way you’re changes will continue to work.


    I thought I should carry on in this same thread since my problem is similar to this one. On the twitter bloc, inside span class=”entry-content”, I just want to keep the original text and remove all the different links. I tried the above code, but nothing happened, any idea where to look into ?


    I thought I should carry on in this same thread since my problem is similar to this one.

    No, thank you. As per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

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