• Resolved Ian Dunn


    The dashboard widget embeds images over HTTP, even if the page is loaded with HTTPS. This creates a mixed-content warning in many browsers.

    I think you should use is_ssl() when generating the markup to insure that the protocol matches the current page. It’d be even better to host the image locally and use plugins_url().

    Until then, an easy fix for other users is to add this statement to a functionality plugin or your theme’s functions.php:

    add_filter( 'xpf-dashboard-widget',	'__return_false' );


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  • Plugin Author Aaron D. Campbell


    Hosting the image locally requires packaging it with the plugin, which makes for slower installation and updates. However, you have a very valid point…it should be loaded over SSL if the site is.

    I don’t currently have an SSL cert set up on my CDN URL, but I’ll get it set up as soon as I can and release a fix.

    Thread Starter Ian Dunn


    Awesome, thanks.

    Hosting locally vs remotely is probably somewhat subjective, but keep in mind that it’s also slower to resolve additional domain names, especially when multiple plugins host assets on different CDNs.

    Plugin Author Aaron D. Campbell


    True, but in many cases another resolved domain with a fast server on the other end can actually still serve an image faster. Also, an image tag is non-blocking, so the worst case scenario is that your dashboard will load but the image won’t show for a second.

    Thread Starter Ian Dunn


    Fair enough. Splitting the resources between local and external just seems awkward to me personally, but you’ve made a good case for it ??

    Plugin Author Aaron D. Campbell


    This should be fixed in 2.4.0. Please download it and check it out!

    Thread Starter Ian Dunn


    Hey, sorry it took me so long to test. I finally had time today, though, and it looks great. Thanks for being so responsive ??

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