• I am using v 4.0.1

    I have been able to authorize, use my own account as well as use Tweet Old Post account to post tweets, however, it will not automatically post each hour or any at all, I have to click “Tweet Now”.

    When I upgraded to v 4.0.0 it was post at least 50 posts per hour as much as it was configured to post 5 per hour. I use W3 Total Cache, don’t think or well not sure if that would cause a problem. It was working fine v 3.3.3 along with plugin WP To Twitter, was working fine.


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  • I cannot SAVE my settings nor do anything because I “dont have permissions”. I really dont know what to do.

    Same issue here.. the plugin does not auto post. dude. come on, figure something out. atleast follow through on your work and respond to people appropriately


    I’ve installed TOP and experienced the same problem: auto-posting didn’t work! I had a look at the code and didn’t find any part that will run periodically, so I added the following to tweet-old-post.php (right below the define‘s), works for me!

    register_activation_hook(__FILE__, 'top_activation');
    register_deactivation_hook(__FILE__, 'top_deactivation');
    add_action('top_hourly_event', 'top_hourly');
    function top_activation() {
        wp_schedule_event( time(), 'hourly', 'top_hourly_event');
    function top_deactivation() {
    function top_hourly() {
        $interval = get_option('top_opt_interval');
        // get the # hours since the beginning of the current year
        $h = floor( (time() - strtotime('1-1-' . date ( 'Y', time()) )) / 60 ) ;
        if ($h % $interval == 0)  top_opt_tweet_old_post();


    I get errors trying that.

    “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page. ” I still get this issue.

    Anbody get there’s to work?

    My admin page for the plugin says if the current url is not correct go to:

    I do that but get the permission error. Only a few users and we all admin. ??

    If you get an error when trying to authorize, try Chrome. Worked for me.

    So are you going to fix this or not? Maybe I’ll try the other plugins taht do this

    I have same issue so tried to look at the code.
    Seems to be due to the fact that there was a “top_opt_last_update” apparently is not updated.

    Please try to change the top-admin.php as described below.
    And click [Update Tweet Old Post Options] button.


    //successful update message
    			<div id="message" class="updated fade">
    				<p>' . __('Tweet Old Post Options Updated.', 'TweetOldPost') . '</p>


    // *** add trigger
               update_option('top_opt_last_update', time());
                //successful update message
    			<div id="message" class="updated fade">
    				<p>' . __('Tweet Old Post Options Updated.', 'TweetOldPost') . '</p>

    have resolved this issue in new update. Please update the plugin.

    Hi Matharu,
    I love plugin that you produced ‘Twitter Old Post’.

    I translated to Japanese, to be able to run in multibyte languages??, I have modified the code a little.

    Can I help you to update as a multilingual version?

    Source file:

    It contains the TweetOldPost-ja.po, TweetOldPost-ja.mo ??

    Still does not work for me ??

    1. If I access the ADMIN page it has old url

    2. I then enter in NEW URL and get the error that I do not have permissions etc. I am Admin user.

    I have just upgraded to 4.0.4. And now posting automatically works. Thanks.



    I have 5 WP sites shared one Twitter account. Unfortunately only 1st registered one works with this plugin, all others reject twitter app authorization. Is there a way to rename the plugin twitter application to get personal copy for each site?



    After updating settings it’s working with one twitter app! Cool!

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