• Ciao, sto utilizzando un plugin in inglese al cui interno nella cartella languages vi è il relativo file it.po e it.mo. Il problema è che dopo l’ultimo aggiornamento, alcune parti del plugin compaiono in inglese, provando a cercarle sul file .po non escono da nessuna parte, nemmeno sul file .default, qualcuno può darmi un aiuto? grazie

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  • Joey



    If the plugin is translatable it should contain a .pot file (.po and .mo are used to store the translations but the .pot file should contain any strings that are translatable).

    This is usually in a languages or assets directory. With this you can use a program such as poedit to translate the strings and generate a .po and .mo file.

    Moderator bcworkz


    If the plugin is in the WordPress repository and it has recently added new strings that need translation, it may take a while for the translations to be completed for your language. Translations are no longer provided by the author, they are handled through a central clearing house. You can contribute to translating any WP resource in the repository through this mechanism. I assume you are looking for Italian translations. Look for your plugin here and contribute.

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