• Hello my freinds
    I use .mo and .po files for translation my plugin but
    it work in front end and it can not works in admin panel.
    My plugin create Visual Composer module and I want to translate VC module
    setting page , but it does’nt work.
    I need your help.
    Best Wishes,
    function vc_textdomain() {
    load_plugin_textdomain( ‘vc-anker’, false, dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . ‘/lang/’ );
    ‘name’ => Config::$vc_name,
    ‘description’ => Config::$vc_description,
    ‘base’ => Config::$short_array[0],
    ‘category’ => Config::$vc,
    “icon” => plugins_url(“../assets/icon/icon_ankerstart.png” , __FILE__),
    ‘params’ => [
    ‘type’ => ‘attach_image’,
    ‘heading’ => ‘Icon des Ankers’,
    ‘param_name’ => ‘cancom_anker_icon’,
    ********* here I want to translation work fine******************
    ‘description’ => _(‘Hier k?nnen Sie das Icon/Bild des Ankers festlegen’, ‘vc-anker’),

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  • Gareth


    Hi – not sure why this has ended up on the support forum for this plugin. It seems it ought to belong on the Developing with WordPress Forum.

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