I checked – it’s set to “English (United States)”.
It’s weird though… I can see it split between EN and PL, even in the menu:
"Dashboard" (EN), followed by
"Dziennik wysy?ki e-mail" (PL), then
"Ustawienia" (PL),
"Contact Us" (EN),
"Support Forum",
"Add-Ons" and
Any known conflicts with plugins like Polylang?
Diagnostic test report, as requested. NOTE, I have made edits and they are clearly marked using ##.
Mailer: postsmtp
HostName: ## DOMAIN ##
cURL Version: 7.75.0
OpenSSL Version: OpenSSL/1.0.2k-fips
OS: Linux v5388 4.19.0-21-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.249-2 (2022-06-30) x86_64
PHP: Linux 7.4.33 C
PHP Dependencies: iconv=Yes, spl_autoload=Yes, openssl=Yes, sockets=Yes, allow_url_fopen=Yes, mcrypt=Yes, zlib_encode=Yes
WordPress: 6.1.1 de_DE UTF-8
WordPress Theme: Wilmer Child
WordPress Plugins: Polylang, WP Activity Log for Yoast SEO, BackWPup, CF7 Smart Grid Design Extension, Contact Form 7 Polylang extension, Contact Form 7, CookieYes | GDPR Cookie Consent, Disable XML-RPC, Nested Pages: Subcategories, Enable Media Replace, Envato Market, Flamingo, Force Reinstall, Health Check & Troubleshooting, Hummingbird, WPBakery Page Builder, Polylang/WPBakery image filter fix, Popup Builder, Post SMTP, Really Simple SSL, Regenerate Thumbnails, Sucuri Security - Auditing, Malware Scanner and Hardening, Wilmer Core, Wordfence Security, WordPress Exporter v2, Yoast SEO, Nested Pages, WP Activity Log, Smush, WP-Sweep
WordPress wp_mail Owner: /## DOMAIN PATH ON DISK ##/public/wp-content/plugins/post-smtp/Postman/PostmanWpMailBinder.php
WordPress wp_mail Filter(s): wp_staticize_emoji_for_email, PostsmtpMailer->get_mail_args
WordPress wp_mail_from Filter(s): wordfence::fixWPMailFromAddress
WordPress phpmailer_init Action(s): wpcf7_phpmailer_init, PostsmtpMailer->phpmailer_smtp_init
Postman: 2.3.1
Postman Sender Domain (Envelope|Message): ## DOMAIN ## | ## DOMAIN ##
Postman Prevent Message Sender Override (Email|Name): No | No
Postman Active Transport: SMTP (smtps:login://## SMTP SENDER HOST ##:465)
Postman Active Transport Status (Ready|Connected): Yes | No
Postman Deliveries (Success|Fail): 1211 | 13
Notably, I’m not sure where it gets that WP is 6.1.1 de_DE – when I originally installed PL, it handles three languages (PL, EN, DE), my admin area is set to EN, and the plugin is partially displaying in PL… ??