• vivahume


    Hey Thanx for the great plugin!!!

    I was having some problems with glossary terms that had a \n (new line) character in the definition, this crashed the tooltip. I made a few mods that others may find useful so I thought I’d post them.

    The jist of it is you can use excerpts to generate a short tooltip and then have a much more elaborate definition on your glossary page (with all kinds of fancy formatting).

    Only takes a few small changes… All Changes are in glossary.php

    #1. Enable the use of excerpts in the editor [line 48]:

    'supports' => array('title','editor','author','excerpt'));

    #2. Use the excerpt by default if it exists, if not, check the content for \n, replace if necessary, then shorten it up if it’s too long. [around line 95].


    if (get_option('red_glossaryTooltip') == 1) {
    	$link_replace = '<a class="glossaryLink" href="' . get_permalink($glossary_item) . '" title="Glossary: '. $glossary_title . '" onmouseover="tooltip.show(\'' . addslashes($glossary_item->post_content) . '\');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">$1</a>';

    change to:

    if (get_option('red_glossaryTooltip') == 1) {
            /* new */
    		$tip = $glossary_item->post_excerpt;
    	}elseif(preg_match('/\n+/', $glossary_item->post_content)){
    		$tip = preg_replace('/\n/', '<br/>', $glossary_item->post_content);
    		$tip = $glossary_item->post_content;
    	if (str_word_count($tip) > 50) $tip = implode(' ',array_slice(str_word_count($tip,1),0,50)).'...';
    	$link_replace = '<a class="glossaryLink" href="' . get_permalink($glossary_item) . '" title="Glossary: '. $glossary_title . '" onmouseover="tooltip.show(\'' . addslashes($tip) . '\');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">$1</a>';
    	/* end new */

    Thanx again!


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  • Thread Starter vivahume


    Oh you can also to the same for the gallery page…

    Thread Starter vivahume


    Ok, one last thing, if you want to juice up your gallery page you can use this to replace the function red_glossary_createList($content) [around line 133]:

    function red_glossary_createList($content){
    $glossaryPageID = get_option('red_glossaryID');
    if (is_numeric($glossaryPageID) && is_page($glossaryPageID)){
    	$glossary_index = get_children(array(
    		'post_type'		=> 'glossary',
    		'post_status'	=> 'publish',
    		'orderby'		=> 'title',
    		'order'			=> 'ASC',
    	if ($glossary_index){
    		$list .= '<div id="glossaryList">';
    		//style links based on option
    		if (get_option('red_glossaryDiffLinkClass') == 1) {
    			$glossary_style = 'glossaryLinkMain';
    		else {
    			$glossary_style = 'glossaryLink';
    		$alpha_link_list = '<div class="glossaryIndex">';
    		$curr_letter = '';
    		$alphabet = array('A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S','T','U','V','W','X','Y','Z');
    		$check_letter = reset($alphabet);
    		foreach($glossary_index as $glossary_item){
    			$letter = strtoupper(substr($glossary_item->post_title,0,1));
    			if($letter !== $curr_letter){
    				$curr_letter = $letter;
    				while(($curr_letter !== $check_letter) && $check_letter){
    					$alpha_link_list .= ' '.$check_letter.' ';
    					$check_letter = next($alphabet);
    				$list .= '<div class="glossaryIndexAnchor"><a name="'.$letter.'">'.$letter.'</a></div>';
    				$alpha_link_list .= ' <a href="#'.$letter.'" class="glossaryIndexLink">'.$letter.'</a> ';
    				$check_letter = next($alphabet);
    				$excerpt = $glossary_item->post_excerpt . '... [<a href="' . get_permalink($glossary_item) . '">more</a>]';
    				$excerpt = $glossary_item->post_content;
    			if (str_word_count($excerpt) > 25) $excerpt = implode(' ',array_slice(str_word_count($excerpt,1),0,25)).' ... [<a href="' . get_permalink($glossary_item) . '">more</a>]';
    			$list .= '<div class="glossaryTerm"><a class="' . $glossary_style . '" href="' . get_permalink($glossary_item) . '">'. $glossary_item->post_title . '</a> - '.$excerpt.'</div>';
    		//finish of the alphabet
    				$alpha_link_list .= ' '.$check_letter.' ';
    				$check_letter = next($alphabet);
    		$list .= '</div>';
    		$alpha_link_list .= '</div>';
    return $content.$alpha_link_list.$list;

    This will create a gallery page with an alphabetical index at the top that links to the Alphabetical anchors with your terms. Also includes a short summary of the term (from excerpt or content) – 25 words max – and adds a ‘… [more]’ to the end of the line if it truncates the definition…. It does ignore the tooltip hover though…

    There are a few more styles used, you can do something like:

    a.glossaryIndexAnchor {color: #111111;}
    a.glossaryIndexAnchor:hover {color: #111111;}
    	display: block;
    	width: 100%;
    	border-bottom: 1px #CCC solid;
    	font-size: 2.0em;
    	margin-top: 15px;
    	padding-bottom: 5px;
    	margin: 0 auto;
    	font-size: 1.5em;
    	text-align: center;

    have fun!



    Wau, thanx :))

    Cool additions.

    Question – can you fix utf8 support for this plugin? I can’t ??

    For exapmle word “Black” is ok but in Czech “?erná” not working.

    Anyway thanx ??

    Thread Starter vivahume


    sorry – i don’t have much knowledge of the various encodings..

    I realize I assumed english for the “alphabetical” listing… :o(



    nice, really nice but…there’s a problem with UTF8 encoding..



    ok i changed this from vivahume:

    if (get_option('red_glossaryTooltip') == 1) {
            /* new */
    		$tip = $glossary_item->post_excerpt;
    	}elseif(preg_match('/\n+/', $glossary_item->post_content)){
    		$tip = preg_replace('/\n/', '<br/>', $glossary_item->post_content);
    		$tip = $glossary_item->post_content;
    	if (str_word_count($tip) > 50) $tip = implode(' ',array_slice(str_word_count($tip,1),0,50)).'...';
    	$link_replace = '<a class="glossaryLink" href="' . get_permalink($glossary_item) . '" title="Glossary: '. $glossary_title . '" onmouseover="tooltip.show(\'' . addslashes($tip) . '\');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">$1</a>';
    	/* end new */

    to this:

    if (get_option('red_glossaryTooltip') == 1) {
                  /* new */
                		$tip = $glossary_item->post_excerpt;
                		$tip = $glossary_item->post_content;
                  if (str_word_count($tip) > 50) $tip = substr($tip,0,strrpos(substr($tip,0,250)," ")).'...';
                	$link_replace = '<a class="glossaryLink" href="' . get_permalink($glossary_item) . '" title="Glosario: '. $glossary_title . '" onmouseover="tooltip.show(\'' . addslashes($tip) . '\');" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">$1</a>';
                	/* end new */

    this solve the problem with UTF8 encoding…
    but the problems persist with style…there are limits ??

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