• I’ve been using a theme (snapshot from WOO themes) for a one of my sites that uses a script that automatically resizes an image for the index.php page to the size of a set thumbnail – then on single.php the image is cropped to a different (larger) size of the original image.

    Can anyone point me in the direction of a plugin that will do the same thing? Ultimately I would like to do the same thing as the WOO script but they don’t offer a stand-alone plugin for this as far as I know…


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  • I’m looking for such plugin or script to. anyone could help ?

    Are you searching for this? It’s easy to implement as I show you below.

    Your images now:

    <img src=”thumb-150×50.jpg”/>

    You images with timthumb:

    <img src=”timthumb.php?src=original.jpg&w=150&h=50&zc=1″/>

    Just upload the script to your theme and add requests to the script to the images in question; they’ll get resized on the fly. The script supports caching to, so the thumbs won’t be generated over and over again.

    The problem with timthumb is that it only works for images on your on server/domain and also not with filenames with different symbols etc.

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