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  • +1 for this question!
    I’d like to have different wordpress pages for

    • login
    • register
    • lost password
    • profile

    I’ve managed to get it for the first 3: I’ve created 3 WP pages and setted their slugs as permalink for login, register and lost password pages in tml->General->Permalink settings.
    Then I’ve writed some text in every page followed by the relative shortcode:

    [theme-my-login default_action=login login_template=tml-login-form.php]

    [theme-my-login show_title=0 default_action=register register_template=tml-register-form.php]

    [theme-my-login show_title=0 default_action=lostpassword lostpassword_template=tml-lostpassword-form.php]

    But now I’m not able to replicate this strategy for the profile page.
    I’ve created a WP page for the themed profile and I’ve putted this shortcode in it’s content:

    [theme-my-login default_action=profile profile_template=tml-profile-form.php]

    As result I was getting this php error:

    Call to undefined function get_user_to_edit() in themed-profile.php on line 192.

    So I’ve added this code on line 191 in the function get_profile_form:


    And now I can see all my profile data but… all modification to the profile are not saved unless I change the form action to slugforloginpage?action=profile.
    In this case chenges are saved but this redirect me the login page showing my profile data.

    Hope someone can help with this!

    Oppss, as for the profile page, also register page and lost passowrd page are not working this way: when I submit the form nothing happen or I get a 404 error in the worst case. All those form have to post data to login page with the right action to work properly.

    So Jeff, instead of setting only one page for tml and then add rewrite rules for profile, register, lostpassword(…) pages pointing to the same page, don’t you think it could be useful to permit to the user to set a page for every function of tml?

    Plugin Author Jeff Farthing


    TML 6.3 will be overhauling a lot of the way TML works. I will look into a way to allow different templates per action.



    +1, thanks for bringing this up.

    @daniele: the format should be: [theme-my-login default_action=”profile” profile_template=”nkt-profile-form.php”]

    (notice the quotes)

    Anyway, I’m using TML widget in sidebar for login and then separate profile page (with only possibility to change email & pw). It works ok.

    I need this too.



    Just another vote for this. I got it to work by settings the permalinks then adding ?action=true to the end.

    So I have a new page profile with the content of [theme-my-login default_action="profile" profile_template="profile-form.php"] then under permalinks I have it set to profile/?action=profile and it seems to be working.

    Hope that helps.

    Plugin Author Jeff Farthing


    This will be completely possible with TML 6.3. It will introduce a new post type, tml_page. Each action will be a separate post of the tml_page type.



    That’s an awesome news, and a clever solution, Jeff. Waiting for the update!

    hey guys,
    i did little customization to my profile in the functions.php file and when i got to my profile page with TML installed i get:

    Call to undefined function get_user_to_edit() in /nfs/c08/h04/mnt/152279/domains/ on line 194


    Plugin Author Jeff Farthing


    As of version 6.2.3, TML only loads the files needed for the profile page if the action variable is set to profile.

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