Hi Jeff,
I’ve been using TML on a site for the last year and a half with no problems, but since updating to WP 3.2.1 and TML 6.1.4, I’ve been experiencing some strangeness.
Logging in is fine, but once logged in, clicking the ‘Log Out’ link on the TML widget doesn’t seem to work properly. After attempting to log out, the user is redirected to the homepage, as expected. However, the widget continues to display the links “dashboard”, “profile” and “log out”.
The “dashboard” and “profile” links both point to “[siteurl]/login/?action=profile”, and display the update profile page, whereas the “log out” link points to “[siteurl]/login/?action=logout&_wpnonce=74fef1a3d0”.
The only way to successfully logout is to change the password on the update profile page, after which the “log out” link works every time.
The url for the site is https://www.evolvemartialarts.com/
Thanks in advance,