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  • Having the same problem as above. I’m using with the akita theme.

    Hey guys, thanks for posting. I’ll definitely get to the bottom of this and get an update posted.

    I’ve got the category thing fixed and also an issue I noticed with turning off auto rotation I just fixed.

    About the title only showing up, can you guys confirm two things for me?

    1) Do you actually have featured images set on the posts you’re trying to show?

    2) If you go to your posts and manually put in an excerpt in the Excerpt meta box, then does it show for you in the widget?

    Jason I sent you a message form contact at Themeforest. I will give you my login details, so you can check it out.

    Yes I have a featured image, and excerpt entered.
    With the select option unable to set a category I don’t thank it’s saving a category to database, here is the database entry:


    I may be wrong, I don’t know a lot about this. Thanks

    Yep, I figured out the category thing already. It was saving the whole time; that wasn’t the issue. I just had a typo when the widget options get displayed after saving.

    But as far as the other thing about the featured images/excerpts not showing, I thought I had an idea on what might be happening on your end, but I was wrong – still working 100% on my end, and I can’t reproduce that issue you’re describing. So I’ll be curious to see what you mean when you send me a login to your site.

    Can I make the Heading link to the main category rather than just the post?

    Can I make the Heading link to the main category rather than just the post?

    No, sorry that’s something you’d need to add to the plugin.

    I want to quickly address the two issues that originally started this thread for anyone that may find this.

    When I save the widget automatically cleans the category field.

    This is fixed with the version 1.0.3 update.

    And the page only shows the title of the widget.

    If you load the page and you see nothing in the widget, there are two scenarios I can think of that it would be.

    1. You only have post. The slider plugin FlexSlider will not run if it only has one slide. A slider can’t be a slider without more than one thing to slide between, right? The news scroller is set to be hidden with CSS when the page loads and will fade in once everything is ready for a cleaner look. However, with only one slide (i.e. one post in this case) the slider plugin never loads, and never fires the code to fade in the slider.

    2. Javascript conflicts or errors. Also, as I said in #1, the slider is hidden with CSS when the page loads, and it needs the slider to successfully load before it can fade it in with the javascript. So, if you have any javascript errors or conflicts on your page, this could cause this to happen. So, in this case, run through any plugins you have installed that might be outputting javascript on the frontend of your site.

    The idea is very nice, but it doesn’t work for me unfortunately.

    When using the vertical scroll, the second news item title is positioned 1 paragraph lower (not positioned in the same way as the first news item). And when the first news item is shown again, the block of text+title jumps up quirky after scrolling, which gives a really cheap effect.

    When using the fade option, when loading the page the news items are positioned on top of each other (both title and text which makes it an ureadable mess). After the first fade this issue is resolved.

    Checked this is Google Chrome as well as Firefox (latest versions). Same issues… any ideas?


    It sounds like you’re not configuring the height of the widget to accomodate the content you have. Do you have a link to your site where the widget is?

    removed all javascript errors and its still not displays only the title…I am using wp 3.4..what should i do,please help?

    Try updating to the latest version of WP, the latest version of the plugin, and then head here for a solution if you’re still having issues:


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