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  • Plugin Author sebwordpress



    Yes, The Welcomizer is proudly compatible with WordPress 3.1.

    I forgot about this detail. It’s fixed.

    Thanks for your feedback,

    Is Welcomizer compatible with 3.1.3?

    I am having some weird issues, everything seems to be fine. However everytime I want to create an action and I click save, everything is deleted and nothing is created..

    What I am doing wrong..??

    I tried to do one of your examples, but the same thing. I upload the twz file, but the same thing no actions is created..

    please help

    Plugin Author sebwordpress


    I don’t know, but you should try to deactivate and reactivate the plugin.

    With kind regards,

    You are a new member since one hour? That’s weird.

    Plugin Author sebwordpress



    After updating WordPress plugins, you need to wait for this message before doing anything else, sir.

    Downloading update from…..


    Plugin reactivated successfully. [WAIT FOR THIS MESSAGE TO APPEAR]

    Return to Plugins page

    Plugin Author sebwordpress


    If you need to create the table manually for whatever reasons, send me an email, I’ll send you the .sql file. You are a IT professional right? I won’t paste the sql here, because it changes. I may include it in the next release.
    wordpress [at] sebastien-laframboise [dot] com

    I’ve done what you suggested, but no luck so far. I even tried to re-installed the plugin but nothing change. Here is what I did:

    1. Installed the plugin (successfully done)- activate the plugin
    2. Go to The Welcomizer and tried to create some action. I am trying to follow the EXAMPLE 1 from your site

    1)Create a new page or an article.
    2)Copy and Paste the HTML code. (in HTML view mode)
    3) Download the twz file to your computer.
    3) Go to the plugin admin page located under the menu Appearance.
    4)At this step, if you don’t want to add it to the home page, click the + button on the menu and choose the page or the exact category and click save.
    All works fine till this point

    5)(If the page or the category is not listed, refresh the page.)
    6)Click the Import button at the bottom left, and import the twz file.

    My first attempt to import the file, was giving me the error “server error wp-content/tws folder isn’t writable” Then I went to create manually the folder.

    I tried again to upload the file, everything seems to upload correctly and after it finished the frame welcomizer refresh itselt, but no action or data was created. Still all the fields are empty.

    I even tried to enter some random values manually, and everytime I press save on the bottom part, samething happens nothing is created after the frame welcomizer refresh ??

    7)Activate the global online/offline status. (The red button at the top.)
    Refresh your webpage.

    I’m an IT person, please any ideas how to solve this are welcome..

    Thanks for your help really appreciated Sebastien

    Plugin Author sebwordpress


    I really wish I could help you, but this is sooooo unique. You are the only ONE.

    With kind regards,


    lucky I am then :)…

    I’ve had any issues with my wordpress installation so far, everything has been working smoothly… I only have been trying out some plug-ins and themes, is there any chance that some of these are causing conflicts..?? Would it help if I tell you the names…


    Plugin Author sebwordpress


    Some plugins could cause conflicts for whatever reasons, mostly on the front end, but also on the back end.

    You may try to deactivate them one by one to find it.

    It would be a good idea to create and maintain a list of those plugins.

    With kind regards,


    Plugin Author sebwordpress



    For your information, I just added new sections on my website.

    Many plugins are not compatible together, and some have JavaScript errors. So, yes some of them may affect The Welcomizer, but also other plugins.

    Send me your plugin name. I am waiting for it, and I’ll see what I can do.

    With kind regards,


    Hi Sebastien,

    Well now I am really confused and definetely I’m doing something wrong.. To be sure that its not related to any plugin, I’ve just installed a fress new installation of wordpress in a completely different machine. I activated the welcomizer pluging, and following the same steps that I mentioned in my previous post, I’ve got the same result no action is created :(. what am I doing wrong??

    My first attempt to import the twz file, gave me the error “server error wp-content/tws folder isn’t writable” Then I created manually the folder and try imported again but got the same result.. Then I tried to create some action manually, but every time I click save nothing is created..

    any hint or idea is appreciated..


    Maybe I would like to give you more ideas:

    I installed WordPress using Microsof Web Matrix, I thought its was worth to mentioned it as I think its maybe to some conflict of rights for the folder that I created “twiz”.

    C:\Users\Andres\Documents\My Web Sites\ElSolitario\wp-content\twiz

    My users has full rights over that folder…

    Plugin Author sebwordpress


    Sir, I can not help you properly to identify the problem, but if you find the solution, I will be pleased to add a patch, if this is necessary. Keep me informed.

    I have the exact same problem… I follow all directions with an uploaded twz from your example page with no animation ?

    Please help !

    Hi Jasonlev..

    I didn’t have more time to look into it.. Few questions, to check if you have the same environment as I do.

    1 How did you Installed WordPress?
    2 Are you using WebMatrix?
    3 What is the path of your WordPress Installation: mine is : C:\Users\Carlos\Documents\My Web Sites\WordPress\wp-content\twiz… All the folders under wp-content, has a lock attached to it.

    I started to think this issue may be coz of access rights, but not sure yet.

    Sebastien by any chance you try to use your plugin using wordpress installation that was done trough WebMatrix?

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