I made changes in display_day function which is in table.php file.
the file is under views folder in the plugin.
at line 120:
in place of
<div id=’event_<?php echo $eventId; ?>’ class=”tec-event
foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
echo ‘cat_’ . $category->cat_nickname . ‘ ‘; //Arpita
I replaced it with :
<div id=’event_<?php echo $eventId; ?>’ class=”tec-event
foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
echo ‘cat_’ . $category->cat_name . ‘ ‘;
foreach((get_the_category()) as $category) {
if($category->cat_name == ‘Professional Planner Events’)
” style=”color:#990066;”><?php the_title(); ?>
<? }
else if($category->cat_name == ‘Media Partner Events’)
” style=”color:#0099CC;”><?php the_title(); ?>
<? }
else if($category->cat_name == ‘Industry Events’)
” style=”color:#339933;”><?php the_title(); ?>
<? }
else if($category->cat_name == ‘Webinars Events’)
” style=”color:#CC0000;”><?php the_title(); ?>
<? }
basically what it is doing is getting sub category name and based on that subcategory, it will display different color title.
I don’t think this is proper way to do it but still it is working fine for me.
Let me know if you need anymore help in this from me.