• Yves


    I have installed the events calendar on a blog I’m doing for a golfer and he needs to put up all his events. Events show for January but when we select the month February from the drop down menu at the top it kicks out an error page and says what we are looking for is not there.
    Is there a fix for this problem? What do I do? Please help it is urgent.

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  • I am having the same issue as numethod. Advice would be great on this issue.

    thank you

    I am also having this issue, every month just displays the ‘current’ month.

    WordPress version – 2.9.1
    Plugin version – 1.5.4
    Permalinks setup – /%postname%/

    Not sure how to fix, I have tried deactivating the plugin, reoding the permalinks, and deleting the category ‘events’. Then reinstalling again. No luck.

    Example url: /category/events/2010-03/
    Should show March, but still shows February (current month).


    Checking out your link, it looks like the issue is fixed now. Can you tell us what you did?

    Do you have a live version somewhere I could visit?


    This is a killer bug. I know it’s messing with some people, but I cannot reproduce it. Anymore information about your setup, including your theme?

    Also, I think this is related to the RSS bug:

    Can you confirm that you’re not getting an events-specific RSS feed?


    @justinendler – I figured out that it is a multiple loop issue.

    BUT, no matter what I do I cannot get another loop to run on the same page as grid view.

    Not sure why, I have tried everything I have in the past to run multiple loops on a page, and nothing seems to be working.

    If you have any ideas, that would be great! Thanks.

    @justinendler – RESOLVED.

    I ended up doing a ‘get_posts()’ instead of a loop for my featured post, and that seemed to do the trick.

    Thanks for your help.

    I’m having the same problem with the drop down menu showing ONLY the current month. https://www.brettthompsonracing.com/blog/?cat=6 Do I need to change around my permalink structure which is default?

    I have the same problem as jasonnewlin. Here, however, it is your “Event List” widget that causes the multiple loops conflict.

    I have this problem as well. I have tried to fix datepicker.php file with the previous code. I use the default permanent link.
    As you can see just February is shown on my page:

    And it is just showing events on “today′s day”. Any other day that I post an event it gets hidden…
    Thiago Abdalla

    The issue I am having is when I choose a month from the drop down menu NOTHING happens.

    Do we have any idea why it does this?

    I’m having the same problem as thebushman and some other users here.

    de- and reactivated it – nothing happening
    un- reinstalled it – nothing happening

    permalinks; /%postname%

    WP: 2.9.2
    calendar: 1.5.5

    jasonnewlin resolved the issue, but I can’t follow him / don’t know what he means and did.

    @jasonnewlin: could you give some more detailed instructions?

    thanks for feedback

    Yes if Jasonnewlin could explain what he did, it would be great of if someone else could chime in.

    Only thing at the moment stopping me from using the plugin.

    Let’s try to narrow down the exact problem…

    I’m still trying to reproduce this and if I can, I’ll let everyone know how to fix or just add a fix to the plugin.

    If this is still a problem for you, can you chime in and confirm that the issue is as follows:

    You post events for the current month (month X). When viewing on the calendar view, events show up properly for month X but for no other months. For other months, the dates in the month are correct, but events that you have posted are not present.

    It sounds like yours was strictly a multiple loop issue and had nothing to do with permalinks. If you had a featured post loop queried to show just one post, I would imagine that would leave out all your events posts for the events loop unless re-queried. Is this correct? Could it be what the majority of everyone on this thread is experiencing? If you think so, can you post your solution using get_posts()? Thanks.

    Yours seems to be a separate issue as the date picker for your events calendar is throwing javascript errors. I’ll investigate this too.


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