• I have updated to version 2.0.
    After that I tried to catch up with some events that were not in my widget (cause plugin was not working for me before) when I realized the the custom fields for The Event Calendar where not available any more neither for new posts nor for old ones.
    Not being able to do write a post and load the event on the same place makes me do the same thing twice. Besides this now the events directs to a page with the event and not to the post?

    All this is because I didn’t buy the Pro version or what?


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  • Yes I have discovered that as well. I prefer the previous version.

    I agree. I’ve gone back to 1.6.5 and it’s now joined the list of plugins who’s updates are actually worse than the version they replaced!

    A third voice in this chorus. Why should we have to enter all the data twice? Dumb!

    Hi Everyone,

    This was a long time strategic decision we did when WordPress moved to custom post types. Since the large majority of our users didn’t want every single event to act as a blog post, we separated them out. Pro simply add some extra functionality and isn’t any different.

    I can imagine that some of you would prefer the previous approach. We’ve been trying to think of some ways in which event creators can facilitate bridging the gap without having to do double entry. If you have any specific suggestions we would love to hear them.

    That said, if you were using custom fields (real WordPress custom fields, not our events fields), you can turn on custom fields by adding a couple words to the “the-events-calendar.class.php file in /lib/.

    protected $postTypeArgs = array(
    'public' => true,
    'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'event', 'with_front' => false),
    'menu_position' => 6,
    'supports' => array('title','editor','excerpt','author','thumbnail', 'custom-fields')

    All I am really doing is adding “, ‘custom-fields'” at the end of the supports array.

    Of course if you make this change, you’ll need to remember to add it back if you update. Let me know if that doesn’t work and we can figure it out.

    Since we are now going to be doing a fair bit of work on the open source plugin since it is the core of our framework, there may be some updates in the near future.




    > Since the large majority of our users didn’t want every single
    > event to act as a blog post, we separated them out.

    Shane, I’m stunned and puzzled by this statement.

    Isn’t that the ENTIRE POINT and ADVANTAGE of your calendar plugin? That events ARE posts? That’s what gives/gave it so much flexibility, simplicity, and potential!

    For example, I love that Events can appear in virtual page listings using regular old WordPress Categories, mixed right in with other posts with that same Category assignment. I also like that a post can be switched seamlessly from a Post to an Event and back again.

    Is none of that possible any longer in the 2.0 versions? It seems you have your own separate “Event Categories” now?


    I can see how you would appreciate that functionality. Interestingly enough, that wasn’t the point of it when we wrote it but simply the reality of WordPress infrastructure when we wrote it years ago. Custom post types was a very natural evolution.

    That said, if you could specifically state how you would wish to be able to display events in other parts of your site, we are listening. =)



    Thanks… all I was talking about were navigation menu URLs of the form https://example.org/category/activities/ourmeetings/

    Right now (with the 1.x version of the plugin) a URL of that form can seamlessly list both TEC Event notices/posts and subsequent newspaper article or photo coverage of those meetings — because they are all checked in the single “OurMeetings” category.

    I don’t know how or if that would/could be done in TEC 2.x ?



    Whoa, check it out, my userid got magically changed. Funky.

    You are correct here, BWP. What you’re aiming to accomplish there (merging event listings in with posts) unfortunately isn’t doable out of the box in the new build.

    It is not part of this topic but it is part of the event calendar. I am getting the following message when I click on the event listing (to go to the details and Google Map) – any thoughts? It worked when I first created the event. Is WordPress just having a bad day?

    Catchable fatal error: Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string in /home/perthmm/public_html/wp-content/plugins/universal-post-manager/functions.php on line 1113

    when you look at the error you can see it is from a plugin called “universal-post-manager”

    Thanks – fixed now!



    I thought I was going a bit nuts. I was building a site with 1.6.5 and had used the ability to create posts and events in one screen, and then it was gone. Or was I dreaming? Wasn’t sure till I found this thread. that “feature” was actually one of the main reasons for me selecting this plugin. Hey, its great stuff and you can’t beat the price, so I appreciate all the work. just I need something easier for creating cal events in conjunction with a post for my communities for moms. Any ideas? Also, anyone aware of how to pull in incoming RSS feeds (all of which are events) and reformatting to create calendar entries or feeding the events type of post?

    Yes – I agree. In the midst of all the negative comments – it is free and it is great to have something.

    Shane Pearlmen said stuff about WordPress Custom Fields (see above) but I haven’t quite grasped what that is all about and how I can use it to my advantage in this situation.



    I am exploring other plugins that might accomadate my needs more closely. But I really do like what these guys have, so I would like to see a resolution.

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