• Hi there,

    I’ve been searching around and no one seems to be able to explain why when using both The Events Calendar and ACF, on Event pages all ACF custom fields are ignored. That is, the fields are visible on the edit page, but once you enter a value and update the page the field is blank and there’s no data to display from the ACF.

    I’m guessing that it has something to do with the ‘supports’ field in this –>
    ( the-event-calendar.class.php )

    protected $postTypeArgs = array(
    			'public' => true,
    			'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'event', 'with_front' => false),
    			'menu_position' => 6,
    			'supports' => array('title','editor','excerpt','author','thumbnail', 'custom-fields'),
    			'capability_type' => array('tribe_event', 'tribe_events'),
    			'map_meta_cap' => true

    does that block out & or ignore any ACF custom fields?
    Anyone have an idea how to force it to honor them, and not just ignore them?

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  • Thread Starter venkmanuk


    so far, if i add the ACF field group name to the ‘supports’ array, then create a new event ( old ones still ignore the fields ) .. i can make a value appear.

    'supports' => array('title','editor','excerpt','author','thumbnail', 'custom-fields', 'paypal', 'payme'),

    NB – the field group has one item only, and that (text) item has the same name as the field group.

    sidenote – the events calendar doesn’t honor the ACF ‘hide on screen’ option either.

    Thread Starter venkmanuk


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