I am sorry I didn’t explain clearly ><! What I want to know is like, how in blogspot.com’s archive, how you click on the month, say you click on Aug 2006, it will display all the posts in the month, but like it only displays the topic that has been written in that month. I really like that a lot. So I wondering if there is any plugin that does same thing in wordpress. Except, instead of displaying the topics in the month, it displays the category’s post topics.
For instance:
I have a category called ‘Random Stuffs’, when you click on the ‘Random Stuffs’, it will display all the topic of the posts that have been posted in that category.
Like, Random Stuffs
– Post topic 1
– Post topic 2
In blogspot.com, they display the post topics right in the sidebar, it would be nice if you can see all the post topics in one category. Like, click on the category, and it will display all the list of topics (does not including the posts, just the topic of the posts)
P.S. I really apologize for explaining so clearly! I reread again, I didn’t use words clearly. Sorry about it ><! Once again, thank you very much! ?? I will be reading the link you provide in a minute. Thanks!