[Plugin: Syndicate Press] No Content
After installing the plugin and entering the basic info, i updated the settings.
Nothing has happened.
I tried entering this as a new post
[sp# feedList=all]Still nothing
I have no idea what I am doing wrong
Hi mickey65,
Please send the feed url that you are trying to use.Do you have any filters set? If so, disable the filters by removing all of the keywords to verify that your feed is being pulled.
Best Regards,
SP DeveloperAny ideas on what is happening?
Hi mickey65,
In order to diagnose what is going on, we will need more information. Please provide the info requested in the prior response.Best Regards,
SP DeveloperI emailed you back, but apparently you never got it.
I removed all filters, updated the settings
Tried adding [sp# feedList=all] to a page
This is the first feed tried
Variation 2
https://www.medworm.com/rss/search.php?qu=migraines+migraine+headchesVariation 3
https://www.medworm.com/rss/search.php?qu=migrainesThis is a totally different feed. The others were deleted before trying this.
Again, No results were obtained
I didn’t receive an email, maybe it got caught in spam…Ok,
the first 3 URL’s are not news feeds. They are HTML pages with news info on them. Open those three URL’s in a browser and you can see that they are HTML pages.The actual feeds are sublinks on those pages. I have grabbed the real rss feed url’s from those pages…
Variation 1 real feed URL: https://www.medworm.com/rss/medicalfeeds/conditions/Migraine.xml
Variation 2 real feed URL:
https://www.medworm.com/rss/userss.php?qu=migraines+migraine+headchesVariation 3 real feed URL:
https://www.medworm.com/rss/userss.php?qu=migrainesThe easiest way to validate that you have an rss feed or a web page is to open the url in a browser to see what you get. If it looks like a webpage, then it is not the news feed. If it has a bunch of XML on it or the browser indicates that it is a news feed, then you likely have the correct feed url.
Using the correct feed url’s that I snagged off of the html page url’s you provided, I can get the feeds no problem in syndicate press. I have placed the feeds on a page on my test site here: https://codelikeapirateday.com/news/migraine-news/
In the Syndicate Press Admin “RSS Feeds” tab, I entered the 4 corrected feed urls like this:
migraine 1|https://www.medworm.com/rss/medicalfeeds/conditions/Migraine.xml
migraine 2|https://www.medworm.com/rss/userss.php?qu=migraines+migraine+headches
migraine 3|https://www.medworm.com/rss/userss.php?qu=migraines
migraine 4|https://www.healthcentral.com/migraine/news-includes/news.xmlThen, on the page, I used this shortcode:
[sp# feedList=migraine]Give it another try using the feed url’s from the html pages (which I included above). The typical icon used for an rss feed link is the little orange square with a white dot in the lower left and 2 white arcs emanating from the dot.
Best Regards,
SP Developer.OK, I added the real xml feed to the RSS feeds. this is the only one there.
migraine 1|https://www.medworm.com/rss/medicalfeeds/conditions/Migraine.xml
and saved the settingsI tried adding this [sp# feedList=migraine] as a new post and got a 404 error
Then I tried to add [sp# feedList=migraine] as a new page and still got a 404 error.
Where am i supposed to put [sp# feedList=migraine] ??
I do not understand what I am doing wrong now after making the changes.
Hi mickey65,
there must be something else going wrong with your configuration. Are you running your website behind a proxy or firewall? Can you send me the link to your blog that you are trying to put the feeds on so that I can see the error message you are receiving?The 404 error seems very odd as that would be delivered by your wordpress install and not by syndicate press. Are you sure that you published your new page and your post? Where are you seeing the 404 error?
The [sp# feedList=migraine] shortcode is entered into your post or page content area.
Send me an email with screenshots of the problem and a screenshot of your Syndicate Press RSS Feed tab and your Page editor view.
Best regards,
SP DeveloperWhat version of WordPress are you using? In the support forums it appears that you had a number of 404 errors related to permalinks back on WP 3.1.3. Perhaps there is still a problem with your wordpress configuration? Do you have mod_rewrite enabled in your .htaccess?
SP Developer
My blogs are all setup on Hostgator
I am unable to answer some of your questions, as I have no idea.
This is a test WP blog where I installed Syndicate Press
the blog
http;//micronetmoney.comthe blog admin info
username is wptest
password is wptestThis is the htaccess file for this blog
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /wptest/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ – [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /wptest/index.php [L]
</IfModule># END WordPress
I just added the [sp# feedList=migraine] in a new post and gave the post a title of Syndicate Press and tried it again. This time I got results with a heading of Syndicate Press and then the Medworm feed.
I would appreciate if you can take a look at the setup and see if there is anything I need to do or not do.
Once it is working, I am going to make screenshots of each part as reference so I will know how to use it in the future.
I really appreciate your help
Hi mickey65,
I logged in and added a new page with the sp shortcode. It is working just fine.Here is the page with the news feed content: https://micronetmoney.com/wptest/news/
Best regards,
SP DeveloperI see what you did now.
But in order for the feed contents to be displayed automatically as a post in the blog – how do I do that?
Do I have setup a new page and call it news and then use a link like https://micronetmoney.com/wptest/news/
and somehow include it in a new post to get it to display?
also, how often does this run to get new content?
What I am trying to do is set up a feed and get contents that will automatically get added as a new post maybe 2-3 times per week.
After it is setup, then it runs on its own and adds new content as blog posts.
Hi mickey65,
Syndicate Press does NOT take feed content from news feeds and insert it into a blog as posts or pages. It simply displays the latest feed content that is provided by the feed publisher on the page, post or widget that the SP shortcode is included in.A note about copyright:
You are solely responsible to make sure that your site is following the terms of use for a publishers feed and respecting the feed publishers copyright. Violating the copyright or the terms of use of a publishers feed may result in a DMCA takedown notice being filed against your site. The best way to go is to honor and respect the publishers terms of use and copyright and only using their feed in the manner in which they have specified that it can be used. Taking a publishers feed item/article and then saving it as your own post to be shared out again by your site as though he content is yours is likely to run against most publishers terms of use and may be a violation of their copyright. It’s best not to do such things.In light of this, and the desire to respect publishers copyrights, Syndicate Press does NOT (and will never) add any feed content to the blog database, rather, it simply displays the articles as the publisher has published them, along with the publishers link-back url targets. If the publisher adds new articles to their feed, then SP will show the new articles. If the publisher removes articles from their feed, SP will not show the removed articles, because it does not store them, rather, SP simply caches the most recent feed content for display until the cache is refreshed and gets new content from the publisher.
Regarding pages:
Yes, you would need to create a page, post or widget that includes the SP shortcode. The shortcode can filter the feed articles and identify which feeds get included by the shortcode. Read the help tab in the SP admin page. You can create as many of these pages as you like and each page can contain as many SP shortcodes as you like.Regarding automatically pulling new content:
New content is pulled from the feed publisher when the cached feed content from that publisher is older than a given number of seconds. You can set the cache refresh time in the SP admin page “Cache” tab.Regarding automatic updates/operation:
Yes, once it is setup, it runs on its own.Syndicate Press is a great tool for blog owners and for publishers because it allows the blog owner to automatically get news feed content from publishers and improves the blogs SEO and it preserves the publishers ability to receive clicks to their website when a blog viewer clicks the article link. It’s really the best approach, because it is good for everyone.
Best regards,
SP Developer
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