• Resolved ckrucker


    After a test entry, I downloaded the CSV file, but it was empty (though it said in the SurveyMe admin that there is “(1)” entry.

    Then I looked up in PHPMyAdmin to find out that there is no table with the name indicated in the form (“wp_surveyme_…”).

    What went wrong, and how can I fix it?

    The server runs
    PHP-Version: 5.2.12
    MySQL-Version: 5.1.51
    Perl-Version 5.10.0

    Many thanx to anybody who can help!


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  • Plugin Author DCoda


    If it says is one entry then they table should exist, as this information is taken directly from MySQL. ie. it reports what is actually there not what it expects to see.
    The table must have been deleted, between the time it was listed on the admin page and the time you clicked the link to download it. This would explain the csv being empty.
    The plugin does have the ability to delete the table, but this is complete separate form the download process.
    It may seem silly, but to check everything, can you explain how you downloaded the file?

    Thread Starter ckrucker


    I downloaded the file by clicking on the filename which was under the heading “Table” and ended with “(2)” for the 2 entries I had created before.

    It’s strange that when I logged in manually to mySQL (not through a deeplink), I can now see the table, and there are the 2 entries.
    But the CSV file is still empty.

    Plugin Author DCoda


    When you say it is empty I take it you mean completely empty, rather that just the file headers and no data.
    To check is it asking you do save the file rather than trying to display the page in the browser?
    If it is not asking you to download it may be related to how the permalinks are setup on your installation.
    Have you used any special characters in the survey?
    They used to cause problems, but should have been fixed, but it might be cause by something we missed.

    Can you post a copy of the diag file please?

    Thread Starter ckrucker


    Yes, empty means empty, no structure/header whatsoever, also the file system states a file size of “0 Bytes”.
    The browser just downloads and saves it in the “downloads” folder, without asking what to do (I suppose that this is a question of the browser settings). And there it is as an empty container…
    There shoudln’t be any special characters in the answers.

    [diag form=’survey%20-%20art%20providers’ plugin=’SurveyMe’ version=’1.7.0′ phpversion=’5.2.14′ wpversion=’3.0.4′ mysqlversion=’5.1.51-log’ hash=’41696e347ab64a9e30200aae284453e4′]

    Plugin Author DCoda


    Remove the spaces from the form name, ie copy it to a new form then delete the old on.
    Let me know if this fixes it.
    A fix will be added to validate form names in future releases.


    Thread Starter ckrucker


    Right, without spaces in the form name, the CSV now contains structure and data.

    Thank you!

    I have this same issue, but don’t understand how to “Remove the spaces from the form name, ie copy it to a new form then delete the old one.”

    Is this something that I need to do directly in the database or can I do this in the SurveyMe WP interface?

    Please help!

    Plugin Author DCoda


    select the table you wish to copy using the source radio buttons, and type a name in the textbox next to new name.
    Now click apply.
    You have now copied the table.
    Check the tickbox under the trashcan next to the form you wish to delete now click apply.
    You have deleted your form.

    If you have data associated with the form, it hasn’t been deleted but you will have to download it using phpmyadmin or something similar.

    Ok, I follow. It had to do with the name spacing. I missed that. Works now.


    Plugin Author DCoda


    This should be fixed or not allowed to happen in a later release.

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