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  • Kalmax


    Hello Damian
    Greetings. Thanks for this awesome plugin and hope to get a premium soon. I have a question how to change slug of my invitation page from to

    Thanks for all the support you provide for free. Keep up the good work.



    Invitation is not working. Using WP 3.8 + BuddyPress is 1.9 and its not working Damian. Tried LinkedIn, Facebook, Gmail and Twitter.

    Please help me on this… ??

    Plugin Author Damian


    Hi Kalmax, what are you seeing in the debug tab ? By “invitation not working” you mean that invitations never go throw?

    Try also to see what’s going on

    Hello, my issue is with the widget. After downloading the last version (1.5), the icons are not correctly shown, which gives a non professional aspect to the site. Could you please, let me know what can be done to solve it quickly? Thanks a lot.

    P.D. for you to check, my site is

    Plugin Author Damian


    Hi FRiendsand cash you have a CSS problem with your theme. Try adding these rules to the css

    .wsi-sidebar.service-filters li:before {
    content: none !important;
    [class^="wsiicon-"], [class*=" wsiicon-"] {
        background: none !important;

    Thanks a lot for your quick answer.
    Could you be so kind to let me know where exactly should I add the rules?

    Have a nice day
    José Manuel

    Plugin Author Damian


    In your theme style.css (do a backup first)

    I have included it in the theme style (Couponize), but it still shows the same. Could you please, be more precise and let me know in which part of style.css sholuld be put?
    I′m sorry to disturb you, but I,m getting desperated…

    Thanks a lot!

    Plugin Author Damian


    Try placing it around line 1450 right before

    /* ==========================================================================
       Helper classes
       ========================================================================== */

    Currently you have it inside a media query and that won’t work

    After trying to includ the code you told me in the theme style (with no succeed), what I did was to include the code directly in the “Personalized CSS” box, directly inside the WP Social Invitations Adjust (Styles label). It worked only after removing the first rule you gave me.

    Thanks a lot for your quick help
    José Manuel

    Hello Damian
    Greetings. Thanks for support. I have resolved the problem, its actually the cron setup. I have new manual cron setup to my server now.

    Sill have to solve two questions:

    1. how to change slug of my invitation page from to

    2. I want to hide it from bp profile tab when Mr.X visit Mr.Y’s. I am using this code to my function.php for hiding other tabs. But it doesn’t seems to be working for this tab.

    //Member Friends Only//
    function kalmax_hide_friends_if_not_self(){
    	return ;
    add_action('bp_friends_setup_nav', 'kalmax_hide_friends_if_not_self');

    Thanks for all the support you provide for free. Keep up the good work.

    Plugin Author Damian


    Hi Kalmax, Im glad you resolved the issue. Regarding your questions:

    1- That’s not possible im afraid on the current version. I will add a filter for next version that will let you change that.

    2- Try using bp_core_remove_nav_item(‘wp-social-invitations’) I think is the slug what you need to use to remove it. Also you can try with some CSS display:none rule


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